Need Plans for Backyard Timber Pavilion

Started by cammyfloyd, May 08, 2015, 04:41:33 PM

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I'd like to build a timber pavilion behind my house.  The city requires that I submit plans to them for a permit.  I'm looking for something in the ballpark of 12'x20'.  Nothing fancy.  Would anyone know where to get a set of drawings?  I found one place online but they are all peg/joint connections and they don't give the overall height.  Here's the structure plans they are selling.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Does the city require that your plans be stamped, or are they just looking for dimensions and location on the lot for setbacks? If it's the latter, here's my advice: Since you know what you want more than anyone else, why not create the plans yourself? There are many cheap and/or free design programs out there that with just a few hours of practice become easy to use (I think the drawing you included was made in SketchUp). If you're building, you could easily pull off something just like that, sans the peg/joint connections and just using other fasteners. The poke through at the top of the post is even possible if you like that look.

If you have to get a stamped set, or are just looking for construction docs, I can't be of much help. Most sites charge some type of fee to use their plans.

Good luck!


This might help:

While it does not have an exact match for your structure, there are several that are close and could be modified.  The drawing as is have spans and calculated roof loads.  $15

Also Sketchup Pro includes a Layout program that can be used to generated scaled drawings.