Web Resources for Home Building

People and websites to help you find and develop your project
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Building Resources and construction product information
Home Building Search Engine - a good place to find a product or research a topic such as "bamboo flooring" or "landscape lighting" Home Expo Directory
Home Remodeling Site - Interesting well done building resource. The linked page has short instructional videos. Only one of the many helpful links here. Remodeling Site
Home Improvement website directory. Much information about products for use in house construction Build.com
Building for Health - An interesting site with healthy and alternative building products such as bamboo stakes for strawbale construction. Building for Health
Environmentally aware building tatctics - Good checklist Green Building Overview
A great set of links to books on architecture, Building, Feng Shui, healthy building, solar and sustainable building. Sustainable building
Green building information and a great library of specific product information. High quality articles on all kinds of energy and resource efficient products. Oikos Green Library
A vast information site with a good built-in search engine. Just what the name implies - Do it Yourself. doityourself.com
Building links and articles about various construction phases. Much info about Building codes. Code check links
B4UBUILD.COM does a good job of reviewing Web sites concerned with building, buying, and remodeling a home. B4UBuild Links
Home Remodeling and construction resource information. Advice and links from an experienced Home Inspector. Sound Home Resource Center
Owner Builder Financing? Sometimes the local banker turns up his nose. These folks are experienced with both the finance and building side of the process. Use their on-line application form. Owner-builder loans
Ask an expert will answer your home repair questions in three areas: carpentry, electrical and plumbing. Ask an Expert
Building Books & Videos:
Time-tested advice on buying and building on country property. This classic book now on-line. Also good links to other resources The Back Road Home
Building with Awareness DVD - a great video on the construction of a small alternative house in the desert Southwest. See full reveiw and discussion here. Much Info available nowhere else. Building with Awareness
Real Estate and Land Links:
Rural Property Bulletin -- The National Marketplace for Rural Property Since 1980 Rural Property
Creative Farm and Home Realty - offering farms, acreages, hunting land, etc. in SE Iowa and NE Missouri. Reasonable prices Creative Farm
Rural land magazine with listings for all states. Some pretty high priced. Many dealers ads. Land Journal
Real estate brokers by state. You can then click through to brokers site and listings. Brokers on-line
The RuralEstate Network. An on-line Catalog of Rural Land, Farms, Country Homes, Rural Businesses, and Recreational Real Estate RuralEstate Network
Property in the San Luis Valley area of Colorado. Colorado Mountain Land
Many listings for Park, Summit, & Grand counties (high country) Central CO listings
Soil characteristics of your land will determine much about what and where you can build. Not all states have this information. Search results. Soil Maps - State Search
Plans and How-to-build Information:
Jim Self has plans for spiral stairs and provides good support for customers. (Thanks to CountryPlans member MikeT) Spirial Stair Plans
Homeplaninfo.com is a fine site for looking at home plans and home plan companies. They have short reviews. Small Home Plan Reviews
A good site with information on log homes Log Home Links
A good selection of barn plans in many sizes and styles. Barn Plans
This is a large database of older Agricultural Extension plans. Note: Most of these plans are decades out of date and will not meet current codes or building practice.  Ag Extension Plans
A site with good information on building small cabins The Minicabin site
A source of barn and garage plans. Old friend of mine. Homestead Design
A large database of commercial stock plans. You can specify house size and width and narrow the search to only those you are interested in. They show both the floorplan and exterior sketch. Here is an example of a 22' wide one-bedroom cottage. Global House Plans
A large commercial site with searchable plans for larger cottage and country home plans 1st-4-house-plans
Recycled Building Materials:
Second Use Building Materials
7953 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98108, 206-763-0436
Second Use
Duluth Timber Co.
125 Stewart St., Seattle, WA 98101, 206-448-1982
Duluth Timber

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