Why you Should Stay in the City!

The Seven Danger Signs of moving to the country:
  • You start thinking of a ten year old car with 100,000 miles as just "broken in".
  • You lose interest in fashion trends and stop wearing all but two or three similar outfits.
  • Your friends imagine you've given up the race or are "hiding out". You wonder...
  • You start to function as something other than an advertising-driven product consumer. You putter and fix, you build, you garden. You take long walks and just look at things.
  • To your astonishment you find you can comfortably live on half the income you needed in the city.
  • The above is good because your income is also half of what is was before.
  • Allen Greenspan calls one night to tell you that if everyone lived as you did the nation would slip into a deep economic depression.

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