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General => General Forum => Topic started by: IronPatriotTN on December 14, 2010, 01:01:29 AM

Title: Stay Warm!
Post by: IronPatriotTN on December 14, 2010, 01:01:29 AM
Here in East TN temps are at 12 with a wind chill on -4 at 1am!!!  :-[

I hope everyone is bundled and and staying warm.  c*

Dang, the dog needs to go out. *sigh*  d*
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: glenn kangiser on December 14, 2010, 01:27:50 AM
Looks like a week or more of weather headed your way -we get the start of it tomorrow- hope all goes well.... [ouch]
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: Tickhill on December 14, 2010, 05:35:40 AM
IronPatriotTN, I have got 12 on my WeatherChannel desktop icon this morning at 4:34 am. I went out to warm my car for a 50 mile drive to work in Tupelo. It is brutal, at least the wind has died down a little bit since yesterday.
Heat pump ran all night!
God Bless and stay safe,
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: rocking23nf on December 15, 2010, 10:06:09 AM
Try living in edmonton, alberta

last dec 13th we hit - 45 with a a windchill of -57

thats celcuis

I dont even zip my jacket up unless its below -15Celcuis
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: ScottA on December 15, 2010, 09:46:11 PM
Notice how all the global warming climate change folks are silent for a change.  ;)
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: glenn kangiser on December 15, 2010, 11:12:33 PM
It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature......
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: DirtyLittleSecret on December 16, 2010, 12:26:07 AM
Ah, I miss the chilly days of Alaska... :-[
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: glenn kangiser on December 16, 2010, 01:00:55 AM
I hate to say this but... from Friday on weather is gonna suck for a while... [waiting]

We are getting it so I think you will too......
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: Tickhill on December 16, 2010, 04:46:37 AM
For 2 1/2 years I lived in the Seminoe Mtns in Wyoming and on the Crow Indian Reservation outside of Hardin Montana. It was a shock to move out there from Mississippi.
I have seen it snow every month of the year in Wyoming. We also had a -35 degree day when the only thing on the mountain that would crank was an old VW bug and pushed it off to crank it.
It is a dry cold out west but when it is in the teens in the South, the humidity kind kicks it to a different level of "felt" cold.
Yesterday morning we had sleet/ice with 31 degrees, this morning it is a blustery 53 degrees with rain on the way.
I believe in climate change, 4 times a year.   winter - spring - summer - fall
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: glenn kangiser on December 16, 2010, 12:32:37 PM
OK - don't know how it will affect you but....

They are sending us 5 to 10 inches of rain and for above 7000 feet they are sending us 5 to 10 feet of new snow in the next 5 days (through Monday).

I assume you will lag a day or so in most areas. 
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: zion-diy on December 16, 2010, 02:23:34 PM
[quote I believe in climate change, 4 times a year.   winter - spring - summer - fall

Except in Vermont... then it's 5 seasons, winter-spring-summer-fall- and MUD ;D ;D
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: glenn kangiser on December 17, 2010, 02:36:31 PM
I know that one... but we are more like 3 seasons - summer, winter and mud.  Fall and spring seem way too short and I think a lot of their time is taken by the other two seasons. 
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: cabinfever on December 17, 2010, 06:11:26 PM
ScottA: Long term trends make up 'climate'. What's happening right now is just 'weather'. No one who believes in climate change has gone silent because of a cold snap, rest assured.
Title: Re: Stay Warm!
Post by: altaoaks on December 18, 2010, 11:47:09 PM
are you guys sure we arent heading toward an ice age?  its getting colder, wetter, and so much more snow than we usually get.  they had better not talk that drought crap this spring like they did last year!