CountryPlans Forum

General => General Forum => Topic started by: Jimmy_Cason on November 27, 2005, 11:23:38 PM

Title: I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Jimmy_Cason on November 27, 2005, 11:23:38 PM
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: Jimmy_Cason on November 27, 2005, 11:31:47 PM
My wife is still flip-flopping back and forth with the idea about building a two story or a one and a half story.
I need to get her to make up her mind pretty quick. She likes the look of the one and a half story from the outside. She is worried the two story will look too tall on our lot. But, she also likes the room the two story allows.   What to do? What to do?
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: spinnm on November 27, 2005, 11:36:40 PM
Yes you do!  I know that you told us all summer how hot it was, but I'm envying you now if those pics are current.  We're getting the tag end of the Alberta clipper that's all over the Rockies....24 tonight.....and wind that'll make you take notice.

Your lumber looks good.  We're building the well-house cum potting shed and spending way too much time trying to compensate for the #$%% that was delivered.  Is your lumber local?  Himself taking his cheater, pulling out the twist and yelling "shoot it!"  What fun. :P
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: spinnm on November 27, 2005, 11:39:16 PM
dunno.  With all those tall trees it would seem that the 2 story would be OK balancing against the structure.  But it's a perspective thing.
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: jraabe on November 28, 2005, 12:50:20 AM
You've done a good job on the foundation and platform.

Two story is definately cost effective and perhaps even easier to build per SF of usable floor area. Gives you more potential window area as well.

But, your wife is right, living under the lower sheltering roof makes for a house that is more connected to the site.

That was a BIG help I am sure!  ::)
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: glenn-k on November 28, 2005, 01:15:09 AM
Really impressive, Jimmy -- nice work.
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: DemianJ(Guest) on November 28, 2005, 09:12:38 AM

The house looks great.  

As you know, I've struggled with the 1.5 vs. 2 story and decided to go with 2 due to the cheap space, even though the small footprint (20x24) will make the structure look tall.  You've probably already thought of this, but maybe build a model (or build it in 3D Home Architect).  Put horizontal siding on it and play with porch roof placement and exterior trim, both of which help a lot with breaking up the height and see if your wife agrees.

Here's a link to a 3D HA of my 20x24, 2 story with a 10/12 roof (I haven't figured out how to do the exterior trim yet).  I can send you views of it from other angles if you're interested.;action=display;num=1131977235;start=15

(I've been trying to get the new link to work - looks like this thread did not make it over to the new board either - John)

Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: Jimmy_Cason on November 28, 2005, 05:03:32 PM
Your lumber looks good.   Is your lumber local?  Himself taking his cheater, pulling out the twist and yelling "shoot it!"  What fun. :P

My lumber was bought from the home depot in Longview,Texas.
The tag on the side of the skid of 2 x 6's indicated the lumber was from Germany.
I would have thought it originated in one of the southern states.
It must be Hurricane related.
The studs were a very bright white color almost like they were bleached.
And they were Very, Very, straight.
Only a few out of 200+ had a slight twist!

QuotePut horizontal siding on it and play with porch roof placement and exterior trim, both of which help a lot with breaking up the height and see if your wife agrees.

Very good ideas. A front and side porch will be a must have addition.
I found a pic of what I want the inside of the porch to look like. It is very close to Johns plans.

Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: jraabe on November 28, 2005, 08:45:36 PM
Yep, that's just about the same 7' wide porch as the plans show. I have a little different railing detail but there are 1000's of ways to do that and most people come up with their own anyway.

Also, RE the 1.5 to 2 floor issue — A wrap around porch on a two story design goes a long way towards tying the house to the landscape. The Pattern Language book calls this the pattern of "cascading roofs". It is a very useful technique I used in my own house (the Solar Saltbox which is two story at this end).

Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: Amanda_931 on November 28, 2005, 08:57:31 PM
My little "all natural" treehouse was built with Austrian 2x4's.  Local timber company guy thought that that was good because they were sooooo efficient.  Even if there was a mill under 75 miles away producing them.

Walls are good.
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: spinnm on November 28, 2005, 11:27:24 PM
Ah Jimmy, you have an artistic soul.  What a great looking porch.  Seems I've seen it b4.

And John, as usual, is right.  Many tricks to pull the eye down.  If you need the space, probably should go for it.
Title: Re: I now have walls
Post by: Jimmy_Cason on December 05, 2005, 10:46:44 AM
One more week and a little  more progress.
I raised some the stairwell walls and the center beam.

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: pioneergal on December 05, 2005, 06:38:31 PM
Wow Jimmy!

The pictures are great and the house is taking shape and looking awesome!
Keep up the good work.

What is your projected date for having the house enclosed from the elements and when are you wanting to move in?

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Jimmy_Cason on December 05, 2005, 07:16:48 PM
What is your projected date for having the house enclosed from the elements and when are you wanting to move in?

I plan on putting up the 2nd story floor joists and the remaining sheathing for the first floot this coming Saturday and Sunday.
Then put a giant tarp over it and start building again after the income tax check arrives.
I plan on it being sealed up by March.  
And then living in it by May.
I will finish the inside while I am in it.
The $875.00 dollars per month rent on my apartment could be put to good use in my building fund!

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Jimmy_Cason on January 03, 2006, 09:39:00 AM
Sorry I keep posting pictures of every little milestone.
But, I am amazed at what I am getting done.
In the past I have only built a 10 x 20 deck
Thats it!
Now look at what I am doing.
If I can do it, anyone can.
The hardest part is getting past the mental blocks about what you are capable of doing.
After that, waiting for the next batch of lumber is a killer!


Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: ailsaek on January 03, 2006, 10:05:04 AM
Wow!  *applause*  That looks great!
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: rampage on January 03, 2006, 10:41:12 AM
Jimmy, dont worry about posting too many pics. I for one cant get enough, and i'm sure i'm not alone. You must be on cloud 9 right about now. Its coming along great! I cant wait for the next set of pics. Keep up the good work, man.
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: glenn-k on January 03, 2006, 12:23:49 PM
Wow Jimmy.  Look at you go.  Please keep posting pictures.  We like em.   Great job.
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: glenn kangiser on January 06, 2006, 11:47:01 AM
Don't be bashful about posting pictures, Jimmy-- while I would never do it, we love others who brag on themselves.

Why, I remember------seems like just the other day, little Jimmy was wondering how to level his floor joists --- now he's on the second story.  That's our boy. :)
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Jimmy C. on January 06, 2006, 11:56:17 AM
I would hate to see what it would look like without the help I've found here!
Seeing other projects coming together is a huge motivator for me!

I wonder if it would be possible to have a category section for threads with just progress photos.

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: tjm73 on January 06, 2006, 02:03:10 PM
Is Jimmy's project in the gallery section too?  I find the gallery section easier to look at when I'm admiring the pics of the project.
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: pioneergal on January 06, 2006, 02:49:05 PM

The hardest part is getting past the mental blocks about what you are capable of.

My DH said that he agrees with your statement .......its mind over matter.

Like you, he has not done a lot of building. A few years ago he built a 10x12 deck by himself and a 16x24 storage barn with some assistance.

Back in the 80's he worked for a guy  for about 1 1/2 yrs. doing remodeling and vinyl siding.

Relying on limited experience, the help of this forum, and some prayers we are getting there.

I am so proud of what he has accomplished thus far!

We hope to start putting up walls beginning next week if all goes well.

The building is going up as the money flows.

We had a little set back but are ready now to get back to work.

Jimmy the pictures are great ......keep um comiing!

I would post pictures but I'm having a little trouble figuring out this picture posting thing.

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: John Raabe on January 06, 2006, 04:14:54 PM
The Gallery photos involve hand building each as a website page. As more and more projects have pictures and are updated by the owners/builders I will be pulling back on coding pages for the gallery... Only so much time.

Save those links so you can find your way back!
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: tjm73 on January 06, 2006, 04:46:25 PM
Oh.  I didn't realize they were so much extra work.  I've never coded a webpage.

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Daddymem on January 06, 2006, 06:45:36 PM
Thought of subbing it out?  I imagine there has to a be few people here with the time and knowledge to help you out...
Or maybe a links page where the builders who have their own blogs or websites associated with CountryPlans could be linked for easy reference.
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: glenn kangiser on January 06, 2006, 08:53:53 PM
Each person with a project could start a subject heading such as -Smith 20x30 2 Story-  Yahoo or other photos and updated photos could be added or linked as desired.  The 20x30 should be easy to find with a search.  It could be their own gallery area available to all.
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Jens on January 08, 2006, 08:20:47 PM
If you are going to be living in it while you finish it, and are at a point in your lives to do so, I suggest cutting strings.  From personal experience, I can tell you that it is hard enough to do this kind of thing with an empty house, let alone one with stuff all over the place.  Putting stuff in storage is another option.  Just please be cardful of the old, "I'll get to it later", that kind of thing has led more than one house to never be finished.  A friend of mine doesn't have quarter round down in his house.  It has been 2 years!  its a really cool, finished house, except for the quarter round, which is cut, primed, and sitting in the garage!  I'll get to it is a very easy thing to say, not always so easy to do.  Looking great BTW, keep it up.  Hopefully you and your family are having a good time too:)
Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: Jimmy C. on January 08, 2006, 08:59:37 PM
When we started this project we sold our house, moved into an apartment, and put most of our things in storage. By doing this we have saved several hundred dollars each month.
That money has gone towards the building fund.

Thanks for the advice about working around all my stuff. I have not thought about that.
Maybe I now I  will plan on finishing one room at a time and bring the stuff out of storage as it is completed. That will be my motivation! ;D

Title: Re:  I now have walls (More progress)
Post by: John Raabe on January 09, 2006, 12:38:37 PM
Jimmy: Thanks for reminding us about the mental block being the big one.

It is amazing to me that once we decide to actually do a thing (like build a house) the means and help to do it will often show up.

Someone once called it "Cheerful expectancy"  :)