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Off Topic => Off Topic - Ideas, humor, inspiration => Topic started by: MountainDon on May 04, 2010, 06:38:52 PM

Title: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: MountainDon on May 04, 2010, 06:38:52 PM

Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: peternap on May 04, 2010, 06:53:51 PM
What can you say?
They aren't very good at what they do. ???
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: MountainDon on May 04, 2010, 07:09:05 PM
I wonder how long our good luck, their bad luck, can run.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: peternap on May 04, 2010, 07:30:14 PM
Quote from: MountainDon on May 04, 2010, 07:09:05 PM
I wonder how long our good luck, their bad luck, can run.

Not long I'm afraid.
I fully expect this summer to be active.
We not only have foreign terrorists to worry about, I think we're going to be knee deep in domestic terrorists.
A good lesson from the late 60's through 1980 is that pipe bombs and arson are the weapon of choice.

There are a lot of unhappy people in this country.

Add to that, the economy which isn't doing anything but getting worse despite what CNBC says, and people who have never committed a major crime before...and unless I miss my bet, a ton of out of work watermen iin the get the idea. :-\
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: ScottA on May 04, 2010, 08:52:10 PM
I think he's an idiot.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: NM_Shooter on May 04, 2010, 09:49:10 PM
Guy is going to be put away for a long time, and the best he could come up with were fireworks and gas.  Weird.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: Pox Eclipse on May 05, 2010, 06:02:38 AM
So what happened with the guy they had on a security camera changing his shirt near the bomb vehicle?  Is this guy still a marked man, or is somebody going to admit that was all a mistake?
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: fishing_guy on May 05, 2010, 07:15:02 AM
They pretty much admitted that the shirtless man was an idiot bystander.  They have the perp, from the sounds of it.  Glad he doesn't know his fertilizers.  He probably used the cheap store brand...
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 05, 2010, 07:29:50 AM
I think it was a setup to keep the sheeple scared. 
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: dug on May 05, 2010, 08:01:14 AM
QuoteI think it was a setup to keep the sheeple scared.

Well I didn't want to promote any conspiracy theories but since Glenn said it...
It does seem like an incredibly botched job for a supposed trained terrorist. Fear factor was getting down to the green level.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: peternap on May 05, 2010, 11:21:01 AM
Quote from: dug on May 05, 2010, 08:01:14 AM
QuoteI think it was a setup to keep the sheeple scared.

Well I didn't want to promote any conspiracy theories but since Glenn said it...
It does seem like an incredibly botched job for a supposed trained terrorist. Fear factor was getting down to the green level.

The Burt and Ernie alert system has been around for years.
Yeah, it does look bad and these fellows would need to be "stoopid" on a Yankee level, to have had so many faux pas....who knows?
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: IronRanger on May 05, 2010, 04:56:10 PM
Me thinks a "Leftist" media would be overreporting this.   :P  I'm just sayin.

"Media Ignore The Fact That Man Who Alerted Police To Failed Times Square Bombing Is A Muslim Immigrant"

QuoteYet one fact being ignored in the American media's sensationalist narrative about the failed bombing is that the man who was responsible for police finding the bomb was Muslim. The UK's Times Online reports that Aliou Niasse, a Senagalese Muslim immigrant who works as a photograph vendor on Times Square, was the first to bring the smoking car to the police's attention:

    Aliou Niasse, a street vendor selling framed photographs of New York, said that he was the first to spot the car containing the bomb, which pulled up right in front of his cart on the corner of 45th street and Broadway next to the Marriott hotel.

    "I didn't see the car pull up or notice the driver because I was busy with customers. But when I looked up I saw that smoke appeared to be coming from the car. This would have been around 6.30pm."

    "I thought I should call 911, but my English is not very good and I had no credit left on my phone, so I walked over to Lance, who has the T-shirt stall next to mine, and told him. He said we shouldn't call 911. Immediately he alerted a police officer near by," said Mr Niasse, who is originally from Senegal and who has been a vendor in Times Square for about eight years.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 06, 2010, 12:06:36 AM
Good article on this.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: NM_Shooter on May 06, 2010, 09:09:42 AM
Nah.  Too many players involved for this to be a "false flag".

This is a single nutjob who had an axe to grind. 
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: John Raabe on May 06, 2010, 09:35:14 AM
I'm interested in what his motive was. He's now being cooperative with investigators, comes from a well-off family, has his own family and a pretty good education and life in the US.

Is this just a young guy with one foot in two worlds who had a few setbacks and wanted to go out with a spectacular event to gain "street cred" with some radicals in his homeland? If so it seems he would have strapped on a bomb belt or done something a little more fail safe than stick a bunch of semi-flammable materials in an SUV and light a firecracker.

If this was the result of his Taliban bomb training, it should keep us alert but not particularly fearful.
Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: MountainDon on May 06, 2010, 09:50:37 AM
I could name any number of guys, and at least one girl, that I grew up with that could have made this work with off the shelf parts. But maybe this guy was like one of them who could have designed a theoretical bomb in his head while carrying on a conversation about something else. But he could not put the physical parts together or change a tire on a car.

Title: Re: Nobody Has Had Anything About the Times Square Bomber?
Post by: NM_Shooter on May 06, 2010, 11:07:52 AM
A few things that made me think this guy is not so bright are:

Lots of serial numbers all over that car, not to mention dna rich material left behind. 
A mickey mouse bomb that a hillbilly kid with a sixth grade education could have improved upon.
He waited a couple of days to get on a flight?  Wouldn't you want to park that car and take a cab to the airport?
Purchasing a one way ticket with cash?