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Title: 2006 IBM Documents: There is a 100% chance of pandemic in the next 5 years
Post by: Windpower on November 03, 2009, 07:22:47 AM
Now this is interesting reading

IBM documents from 2006 outline business plans for the flu pandemic that has "100% chance of ocurring in the next 5 years"


How did IBM know the pandemic would last 12 weeks and a second wave 3 or 4 months later ?


why is "events" in quote here ?


more documents here (http://"")
Title: Re: 2006 IBM Documents: There is a 100% chance of pandemic in the next 5 years
Post by: muldoon on November 03, 2009, 11:01:28 AM
hitachi knew in Feb 09 and ordered all executives from around the world to return to Japan no later than December 2009.  The jist of it looks like they were afraid of H5N1, the birdflu that kills something like 65% of anyone who contracts it.  For perspective, there has been H5N1 hotspots since 2003, it is not a dormant bug - it is just not highly contagious as it kills its host very quickly. 

took some time to find the article, there was a bloomberg and a yahoo one.  I cannot find the bloomberg one, except for where people had posted it in forums.  I distinctly remember this because it was soo out out of nowhere when it happened. 

Here is the yahoo.

QuotePanasonic to fly home workers' families over bird flu fears

(AFP) – Feb 9, 2009

TOKYO (AFP) — Panasonic Corp. has ordered Japanese employees in some foreign countries to send their families home to Japan in preparation for a possible bird flu pandemic, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Family members of Japanese employees in parts of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Russia, former Soviet states and Latin America will fly back to Japan by the end of September, Panasonic spokesman Akira Kadota said.

The firm decided to take the rare measure "well ahead of possible confusion at the outbreak of a global pandemic," he said.

Eight people have contracted the H5N1 bird flu virus in China alone this year -- five of whom died.

"The bird flu cases reported so far are infections from bird to human, but once an infection between human beings is reported, things can get chaotic with many other companies trying to bring back their employees," Kadota said.

"We wanted to take action early before it gets difficult to book flight tickets," he said.

The company did not say how many family members would return to Japan. Employees and their families in North America, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore will not be affected.

The H5N1 strain of the virus that is most dangerous to humans first emerged in Asia in 2003 and has since caused nearly 250 deaths, according to World Health Organisation figures.

Bird flu, or avian influenza, kills mainly birds but scientists fear it could mutate to jump from human to human, sparking a global pandemic.

Panasonic said last week it was cutting 15,000 jobs and closing dozens of plants worldwide as it braces to fall deep in the red due to the global economic crisis.


That being said, my company has a flu response plan and have been going through the motions in testing various parts of it.  Alot of it is localized tho, if such and such occurs in North America - then xyz, if it just affects a single location , ie a refinery, xyz, if an oil rig at sea, xyz, if regional and travel is restricted and so on.  Given the size of IBM, it is not that alarming that someone determined the odds of somewhere where IBM does business would be affected being very high. 

I am trying not to read too much into this as the images you posted are most likely the rather booring life of some poor sap in risk management and corporate governance from a few years ago.  I say trying not to as the dots are crystal clear if one wanted to interpret them that way. 
Title: Re: 2006 IBM Documents: There is a 100% chance of pandemic in the next 5 years
Post by: glenn kangiser on November 03, 2009, 12:03:20 PM
I think they knew as they have followed the facts that big government and big business want this pandemic so they are working overtime to create it.  With government grants assuring the ressurection of the 1918 virus by Baxter to the fake accident releases of the live virus by Baxter to the likely reaease of a flu bioweapon in the Ukraine by Baxter.

They want it.  They will have it.  They will sell billions of dollars worh of vaccines and worthless Tamiflu- the flu condom with a hole in it.

Note that IBM made the tally computers or system for Hitler- they are insiders on this type of thing.
Title: Re: 2006 IBM Documents: There is a 100% chance of pandemic in the next 5 years
Post by: Sassy on November 03, 2009, 12:22:48 PM
These links have been posted before but hopefully, those who haven't read them will read them & worth reading again if your mind has been muddled by all the propaganda & your questioning your 1st decision not to get the flu vaccine...
Title: Re: 2006 IBM Documents: There is a 100% chance of pandemic in the next 5 years
Post by: glenn kangiser on November 03, 2009, 12:35:11 PM
Important enough to post here also (posted in Refuse mandatory Injections also) 

If you have time listen to the interview of Dr. Blaylock regarding major risks especially to pregnant women.
Title: Re: 2006 IBM Documents: There is a 100% chance of pandemic in the next 5 years
Post by: glenn kangiser on November 03, 2009, 10:55:40 PM

Note - used per Dee's terms.