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Off Topic => Off Topic - Ideas, humor, inspiration => Topic started by: hnash53 on March 21, 2009, 06:30:12 PM

Title: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: hnash53 on March 21, 2009, 06:30:12 PM
I encourage anyone/everyone to download/buy the Zeitgeist movie and the Addendum.

Whoa. Religion. 9-11. Finance.

Hal Nash
Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: Sassy on March 22, 2009, 11:41:53 PM
The problem with the Zeitgeist movies are that they have some truth and a lot of partial truths & outright lies (particularly about the history of Christianity & history of societies going way back to the Sumerians, Egyptians etc).  The movies purport the idea that if man has everything he needs, he will automatically want to work for the good of society.  Take for instance Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs."  A hand to mouth existence of providing the basic needs for one's life doesn't give a person much time to attain the higher levels.  Zeitgeist basically promotes a socialistic/communistic agenda, no "god" needed.  Every society that has attempted that type of gov't has ultimately failed, man being what he is.  Zeitgeist goes one step further in espousing the belief that technology will be our "Savior."

I have yet to read or hear about any gov't, organization, society, religion, community, family, you name it, that doesn't have guidelines.  The question is, whose guidelines are you going to follow?  Zeitgeist totally dismisses Christianity ie the Bible as being antiquated, horrible things done in the name of God, etc etc.  If you look at history, it doesn't matter what religious or political/social beliefs people have had, atrocities were done in their name, so to hold Christianity as Evil & dismiss it, is allowing all others to slide by without examination.

Seems to me like there's a moral law that most societies go by.  Even Zeitgeist endorses that idea by stating that if everyone had what they needed there would be no need for profits, competition, the Elite; we could say, like Rodney King, "People, why can't we all just get along."  Again, who is to say how that should be carried out?  Do we need leaders?  Politicians?  Handlers?  God? 

So, if there is a basic moral law, there must be some "Truth" - not all things are relative or situational as is being pushed in society today.  Just a person saying there are no absolutes is stating an absolute. 

Take the Constitution of the United State of America.  Our forefathers took it for granted that there was a moral law that was based on Truth.  Sure they didn't get everything perfect, but the Constitution is probably one of the best guidelines for gov't that we've had.  Can you name a gov't that was perfect?  Now that we have "situational ethics" and say that "everything is relative" & everyone "does what is right in their own eyes." (a little quote from the Bible) we require a different type of gov't to keep peace.  You can see the businessman doing what is right in his own eyes - a good example is all the financial shenanigans we see going on.  We see the politicians doing what is right in their own eyes.  We even see many of the church leaders doing what is right in their own eyes.  All, leading to chaos.  How in the world do you think a society without any incentives will be any different? 

Oh, maybe the ELDERS can run the global village  Or the Trilateralists  or the Council on Foreign Relations  The Bilderbergers  Or we could have Caesar Chavez run things, maybe Mikhail Gorbachev... he went from the Presidium to the Presidio in San Francisco, CA.  His Green Cross International  based in Geneva, Switzerland, (one of many globalist organizations he has played a principle role in creating), boldly stated in a May, 1997 news release that Gorbachev "may be the last remaining Global leader" and that he is "...a man with a still-unfulfilled destiny."  Or better yet, Al Gore! 

Here's a link to an analysis by  G. Edward Griffin you might like to read.  Griffin wrote the book The Creature From Jekyll Island on the history of the Federal Reserve & basically all central banks.

Hal, forgive me, I'm not trying to be argumentative or mean spirited, I just feel there needs to be some counter-arguments to what the Zeitgeist films are dishing out & many are believing without question.  They're slick, well-made & convincing, I'll give you that. 

Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: fraggin on March 23, 2009, 09:12:19 AM
I've watched the Zeitgeist movies and they are propaganda at best. At worst, they touch only on paranoia inducing points through out history. They make the federal reserve out to be a greedy racketeering scheme by the richest of men to warrant a huge personal gain. However, the federal reserve was a necessary move, there was no longer enough gold at that time to support a growing economy, future inflation, and an exponentially increasing population. If we continued to use the gold standard, economic growth would have slowed to a halt.
There are some good points in the movies, but ideals shift as cultures change, laws are refined as the economy transforms, expectations increase as humanity moves forward. Sometimes the fundamental foundation of a populous will restructure as the population increases. These changes are necessary to effeciently support the people. Much of what the movies point out are historical events that were inevitable. In the grand scheme of things, many events, decisions, etc are disheartening, but a person in a position of control will not always win over the hearts of men when they think in the best interest of everyone as a whole.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: glenn kangiser on March 23, 2009, 10:45:06 AM
I watched the Addendum last night.  Had seen the first one a long time ago.

It seems like a lot of Utopian solutions that you will never get people to go along with.  Many of the problems were fairly well stated but the solutions will not work - too much greed for them to work.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: MountainDon on March 23, 2009, 01:12:45 PM
I was going to reply to this earlier, but didn't want to be the first, because I didn't have anything positive to say about Zeitgeist, The Movie (ZTM). Still don't.

In my opinion, ZTM is replete with distortions and misrepresentations if not outright falsehoods. I have watched maybe 40% of it. I'm quite certain the parts I viewed are representative of the content.

Just to pick on one thing, let's have a look at the information the producers of ZTM present about the Lusitania sinking in WW1. ZTM states "...on May 7th 1915 ..... the ship called the Lusitania was deliberately sent into German controlled waters where German military vessels were known to be."

The Lusitania was a luxury ocean liner owned by the Cunard line. She sailed on a published regular schedule. On her last trip she sailed 2 days late due to passengers being shifted from another liner that was being pressed into military service. She was not deliberately sent into harms way. She had made the voyage many times before.

It is true that the German Embassy published newspaper advertisements warning, "TRAVELERS intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travelers sailing in the war zone on the ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk."

Note that the official text of the German Embassy advert does not mention any ships by name. ZTM exaggerates by clearly naming the Lusitania, purporting that the Germans were specifically naming the Lusitania. "...the German embassy actually put advertisements in the New York Times telling people that if they board the Lusitania they did so at their own risk." The manner ZTM presents that info may not be a lie, but it is an embellishment that credible journalists would do without.

ZTM: "...the sinking of the Lusitania caused a wave of anger among the American population. And America entered the war a short time after." FACT: Yes, this sinking did cause an uproar in the USA; enough so that the German Navy cut back on their U-boat attacks. FACT: The Lusitania was sunk May 7, 1915, the USA declared war on Germany April 6, 1917. Can 23 months be realistically labeled as a short time, when the war lasted 52 months? Those facts can be checked by Googling "timeline WW21"

The above quotes are taken directly from the ZTM transcript available on the ZTM website.

Anyone who spends two hours of their time watching ZTM and believing much of what they viewed and heard, should consider spending some more time having a gander at the following as well. Actually one does not need the videos in ZTM. The transcript is available here (, and I can read it faster than sitting through the entire video.,_the_Movie

I like this quote, from the oregoncommentator (link above)...

..."Conspiracies assume that that the government is not only incredibly smart but incredibly efficient. Call me crazy, but I just can't accept that a governing body that spends months investigating baseball steroid use has also been organizing a complex, centuries-long plan to take over the world in its spare time."

Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: Sassy on March 23, 2009, 02:17:58 PM defend Zeitgeist...  I believe the movie has some valid points.  Do we really need the Federal Reserve?  Look where it's gotten us.  Sure, it expanded the economy & allowed a lot of people to live large, but ultimately, it's a house of cards.  How can a person not see that fiat money will eventually lead to ruin.  And then, to top it all off, the Federal Reserve has never even been audited!  What are they hiding?  If the US gov't trades treasury bills for dollars - both worthless paper, & then the US gov't (taxpayers) has to pay interest on the worthless paper - the gov't will continue to go further & further in debt, it is so obvious!  It is also a hidden tax as it devalues the money.  One thing it does do is allow the politicians to conduct their endless wars - "need money?  just hawk some more US Treasury Bills to the Feds, sure it's gonna cost the people, their children & grandchildren, but we want it now!"

I keep encouraging people to read Griffin's book The Creature From Jekyl Island or read Anrew Jackson's biography on how he fought the central banks.

What Zeitgeist attempts to do is paint a horrible picture of the greediness of man, competition is bad, profit is bad & so on.  They put down all forms of gov't & religion, basically saying "man is a law unto himself" once he gets all his needs supplied.  The speakers push a utopian society where no one has to do menial work, but will be able to fulfill all of their higher aspirations (Maslows Heirarchy) & give it to someone else just for the joy of sharing. 

So who does the menial work?  Houses don't get cleaned by themselves, dishes don't get washed, food doesn't get cooked, diapers don't get changed or toilets scrubbed unless someone does it...  in the ER, beds don't get cleaned, bedridden patients who have soiled themselves don't get washed up, the documentation doesn't get done unless someone types it into the computer or speaks it into a recorder & someone else types it;  gardens don't all of a sudden appear without manual labor & tending it on a frequent basis - you get the picture... 

The question remains,  "Who does the menial work?" Who puts the delicate pieces of machinery together (ie computers)...  technology requires resources to be used - a solar panel doesn't just appear - resources were used from the earth, someone had to figure out how to build one, then the components need to be gathered together, then need to be built.

I mean, the propaganda they talk about in the "Venus" plan is literally a bunch of bull!  Who is going to get people to cooperate, if there are no rules, no basic guidelines, no ultimate truth?   They are just repackaging socialism & communism...  opening people's eyes up to a lot of the egredious things that have happened down through history & then painting an idealistic world.  Seems like, if it were possible to create that kind of world, they would have be able to do it by now... 

Their basic premise is faulty from the start, in my opinion.  Yes, the Bible does state, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil."  But, it, like many other things, is just a tool... 

Here's something someone sent me today - please don't get your panties in a wad, this could be about any political party in todays society, they're all embracing socialism/communism - I am neither a repulsicran or a demoncrat:

A Barnyard Story

The little red hen called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, 'If we plant this wheat, we shall  have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'

'Not I,' said the cow.

'Not I,' said the duck.

'Not I,' said the pig.

'Not I,' said the goose.

'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did. The wheat grew
very tall and ripened into golden grain.

'Who will help me reap my wheat?' asked the little red hen.

'Not I,' said the duck..

'Out of my classification,' said the pig.

'I'd lose my seniority,'  said the cow.

'I'd lose my unemployment compensation,' said the goose.

'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did.

At last it came time to bake the bread.

'Who will help me bake the bread?' asked the little red hen.

'That would be overtime for me,' said the cow.

'I'd lose my welfare benefits,' said the duck.

'I'm a dropout and never learned how,' said the pig.

'If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination,' said the goose.

'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen.

She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in  fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, 'No, I shall eat all five loaves.'

'Excess profits!' cried the cow. (Nancy Pelosi)

'Capitalist leech!' screamed  the duck. (Barbara Boxer)

'I demand equal rights!'  yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)

The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)

And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.

Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, 'You must not be so greedy.'

'But I earned the bread,' said  the little red hen.

'Exactly,' said Barack the  farmer. 'That is what makes our free enterprise system
so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants..

But under our modern government  regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle.'

And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, 'I am grateful, for now I truly understand.'

But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all  the Democrats smiled.

'Fairness' had been established.

Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one long as there was  free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.


Bill Clinton is getting $12 million  for his memoirs.

Hillary got $8 million for hers.

That's $20 million for the memories from two people, who for eight years, repeatedly
testified, under oath, that they couldn't remember anything.


Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: ScottA on March 23, 2009, 04:36:24 PM
Good movie. Spot on except for the solutions they offer. Thier solutions whould require a tyrany like the world has never known. I don't think they intend it that way but it's not possible otherwise.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist the movie and the Addendum
Post by: hnash53 on March 25, 2009, 10:45:20 PM
I appreciate the comments on Zeitgeist the movie.

I thought that the description of Jesus and Christianity was marvelous.  Makes the whole edifice of Christianity crumble... a conclusion I came to long before Zeitgeist was even conceived in the mind.

As for 9/11 and the finance conspiracy, I've been saying for awhile now that there is an "unconscious" conspiracy going on.  Not a room full of billionaires, but rather more like a virus or "meme" that replicates itself around the world.  The rest of the world is following the US and its new

Face it... this decade is being called the "Lost Decade" mainly because of who got elected in the year 2000.  The unconscious conspiracy got a lot more "conscious" this decade and will take into the next decade to perhaps correct or at least moderate.

Nuff said.  Thanks for your comments..   Some pretty sharp people are member of this forum.