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General => General Forum => Topic started by: Laura on December 13, 2004, 12:19:23 PM

Title: Roof Framing
Post by: Laura on December 13, 2004, 12:19:23 PM

I just wanted some opinions. I am thinking of hiring a carpenter to lay the roof rafters on my house and be his aprentice. It is a 26 by 42 house with a hip roof. Is it feasible for both of us to do the roof. Note well, I have no building experience. Any help and tips would be apppreciated. I am working on a limited budget and the quotes I have gotten are way to high to consider hiring it out.

I have already read George Nash's book and have the theory basically covered.

Title: Re: Roof Framing
Post by: John Raabe on December 13, 2004, 12:29:20 PM
My carpenter and I did our roof together (the framing that is, we subbed out the shingle work). There may be some parts of it where you will need a third pair of hands.

Additionally, it might be worth the investment to get the John Carroll book, "Working Alone" He has lots of tips about how to do things with minimal help.
Title: Thanks
Post by: Laura on December 14, 2004, 07:36:58 AM
Thanks for the tip. I also have that book Working Alone.

Title: Re: Roof Framing
Post by: Jimmy C. on December 14, 2004, 02:15:22 PM
After reading this post, I drove to the library and found that book "Working Alone". I am glad I did. It will save me many heartaches!
Thanks :D
Title: Re: Roof Framing
Post by: Tom Mac on December 25, 2004, 03:39:16 PM
Try "Roof Framing" by Marshall Gross(ISBN: 091046040X). Gives a quick intro to the basic trig we've all long forgotten so you can make up a cut-list. @ that point, yourself and some cheap labor hauls 'em up so they can be installed.  
(assumes a working knowledge of framing carpentry) The trick is mapping it all out on graph paper before you even order your lumber.  
Please make sure *someone* is on-site whenever your above 8' for an extended period.
Best of luck,
Title: Re: Roof Framing
Post by: Tom on December 29, 2004, 02:01:16 PM
Have you considered trusses? They will cost more than the lumber needed for rafters but will go in fast and easily.  Our 20 foot trusses were easily handled and set by hand and weighed 95 pounds each.  Your 26 footers may be doable without a crane to set them, too.
