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Off Topic => Off Topic - Ideas, humor, inspiration => Topic started by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 02:13:43 AM

Title: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 02:13:43 AM
OK - so that was a trick to get you in here.  d*

What I am talking about is Chemtrails as they are commonly called by those who know about them.

Tonight after my shower  - yeah - I take the occasional one, I had bleeding sinuses.  A common symptom after heavy spraying by them - whoever and for whatever reason they are doing it.  Obviously military or bigger as no one has the budget for this kind of operation except them and they are the ones with the missing trillions - count them - trillions of dollars.  I say bigger because it is happening in countries aligned with the US.  Not just in the US.

As I went to work yesterday they were spraying the heaviest I have seen in weeks.  I was so p-ssed I had to stop and video it.  I was sure they were trying for total sky coverage.

Here are a couple of my pix from Monday while my video loads.


These grids and x's are always the same.  I am a local pilot and am familiar with the IFR flight patterns around here.  Believe me, these do not match local traffic patterns in central California. These are carefully laid out grids meant to obscure the sky and rain down chemicals over large generally, populated areas.  Samples have been taken and Barium is one of the major constituents along with various pathogens.

Normal vapor trails dissipate in a very short time - not leaving a permanent trail.  These completely cover the sky spreading and remaining unless they get blown east.


Video to follow.

For an insider weather man who gets info an spray locations, check this weather service out.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 02:29:41 AM
A new site to me - haven't read it.

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 02:35:02 AM
Since they won't tell us, all we have to go on are sites reporting on experiences with them and some have tested.  One of the early reporters is here.  I didn't want to bring this up here as it is really considered a tin-hat subject b many, but yesterday ended that for me - so blatant now that I am done ignoring them.

There are many theories - some a bit crazy but I'm going with a combination of HAARP enhancement - weather modification and population attrition.

Rense has about the biggest collection of data on them.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 02:41:52 AM
Here is the morning video as many planes sprayed the sky.  There were even oily rainbows in area where one spray crossed over another and was double thick.   At the very least they stole my solar power for the day.

( (
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 03:14:02 AM
About 4 to 5 house later I guess - sisn't ck the time stamp on the file.  I was a few miles east of the original location in Madera at Avenue 12.

( (
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 03:15:55 AM
More to it than just the solar blocking.  Maybe more for the global warming people - it functions like a window.  Heat comes in but can't readily leave.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: southernsis on October 29, 2008, 08:46:00 AM
Maybe I am just being paranoid, but doesn't it seem like there is more cancer and other deadly things happening. Perhaps it is just a larger population, but I can't get it out of my head that we are being contaminated with something from the air. My husband says I am weird, but that is just the way my mind goes.  :o
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: NM_Shooter on October 29, 2008, 09:27:10 AM
Interesting conspiracy theory!

but I have to ask... If "they" are spraying us, why aren't they affected?  In looking at some of the chemtrail sites, it is a cocktail of nasties for which there is no vaccine. 

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 09:43:09 AM
Sis, that is what samples of the spray have shown in some cases - pathogens and lots of them.  

The military once? did a study at SF Airport releasing viruses in the population then monitoring the effects at the local hospitals.

Here is a report from a guy I have seen around - don't recall ever hearing weird stuff about him.

Excerpt from end "    

Reported side effects of chemtrail spraying include:

Allergies, sore and blocked sinuses;
Dry, hacking, persistent cough;
Nosebleeds, blood in mucous;
Swollen, burning, teary eyes with mucous;
Flu-like, fever, sore throat;
Pneumonia, upper respiratory;
Mycoplasma infections;
Migraine or splitting headaches;
Pain in back of neck, particularly at the
top of the spine, extremely stiff neck;
Disorientation, foggy brain, sudden dizziness;
Extreme fatigue, lethargy, inability to concentrate;
Loud ringing in your ears;
Depression, anxiety attacks;
Gastrointestinal distress, bloating;
Diarrhoea, bloody stools; joint pain,
Aching joints and muscles;
Thirst (your pets, too) or loss of appetite;
Loss of bladder control, tics or spasms;
Recurring fungal infections;
Metallic, oily or corrosive smell and taste"

Cancer is way up and while I don't know how the chemtrails may affect it, as a well driller, I do know there are tons of pollutants in plumes moving through many of our major aquifers especially around military installations but many other places also.  It was an old belief that things put on top the ground somehow went up.  Not into our water supply.  

Sassy's dad (dec.) had throat cancer and her brother has also had -has cancer.  Both lived at the north end of Castle AFB which has several plumes of pollutants.  These plumes are contaminated with carcinogens.

Madera Airport has a pit hundreds of feet long with a wire fence around it - the occasional sign - a gov listed someday cleanup site where cropdusters washed out and planes were washed.  Nearly every city has problem wells - one pollutant or another.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 09:55:31 AM
We have to leave the word theory off of this one, Frank.  There is something going on -- just haven't found out what yet.

Some of the ones suspected of being behind this are into population control by attrition.  Maybe they figure the risk is acceptable to them as it doesn't immediately kill everyone.  Some of these people want around an 80% reduction in population.  They are cold enough maybe they don't even like their own relatives or themselves.

I have heard of them building safe areas for themselves.  Couldn't find it now.  Don't know if it's credible.

They are out there this morning again.  In general they appear a few days ahead of weather systems and spray heavy.

Another link with info -- I have seen it a time or two -- haven't read it and don't have time now- check it out - see if it is of interest or credible.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 10:05:17 AM
Note that these sites will often link to ones I consider far out there.  Take the useful information - use it to your advantage.  Many of the weird things are there to discredit the useful info.  People are actually paid to do that - even 9/11 truth is said to be compromised.

Don't let that stop you from researching this and using what you can verify.  Many will stop when they come to wacko info.  That is the plan of the psyops people.   Discredit the info by poisoning it.  Continue your research - weed out the crap.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: NM_Shooter on October 29, 2008, 01:08:26 PM
I think that this is a bit of a stretch to immediately think that some inner sanctum somewhere is doing something malicious to the entire planet. 

I have to strongly wonder "to what gain?" as this is certainly a slow method of doing whatever they are wanting to do (if malicious).

There are much easier, less expensive means to population control if you have that sort of $$$$$$$$$$$.  According to some of those sites, they have been doing this for many, many years.  To what result at this point?

Granted, I am not saying it ain't so.  Just given the data we have, I think it is mostly active imaginations at work.  Sputnik scare, Y2K, that sort of thing. 

The technology certainly exists for a well funded individual to take atmospheric samples if they were so inclined.  Even the new Honda jet has a service ceiling of FL430, which is above the area of the trails.  I would look for hard evidence soon.

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: ScottA on October 29, 2008, 03:30:57 PM
Maybe by control they intend to make people more docile and stupid? Easier to manage that way. How else do you explain the great american apathy?
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: Ernest T. Bass on October 29, 2008, 04:43:52 PM
Quote from: ScottA on October 29, 2008, 03:30:57 PMHow else do you explain the great american apathy?

Food and the pharmaceutical industry....
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 09:33:23 PM
I don't think there is much of a conspiracy here. I've been a sky watcher, or rather an airplane watcher since I was a little kid. There have always been contrails and they sometimes disappeared rapidly and they sometimes hung around a long time. There are many environmental factors involved, none of which correlate directly from what we see/feel on the ground to what is "up there".

There may be more contrails seen, chemtrails if you insist, than there were in the past as there are more aircraft going here and there.

I live near enough to Kirtland AFB that I'd think I should be seeing much more activity than I do.  ???

Anyhow, that's my contribution to this topic

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: Whitlock on October 29, 2008, 09:59:32 PM
Quote from: Ernest T. Bass on October 29, 2008, 04:43:52 PM
Quote from: ScottA on October 29, 2008, 03:30:57 PMHow else do you explain the great american apathy?

Food and the pharmaceutical industry....

Now we are talking, Ernest hit the nail on the head d* The food and pharmaceutical industry are to blame for so much crap put in are food and drugs it is unreal. The list of diseases that are caused by stuff that is in are food is sick. Just look into High fructose corn syrup. Or MSG and it's hundreds of different names....

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 10:02:41 PM

I thought this thread was for how get clean boys underwear.

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: NM_Shooter on October 29, 2008, 10:35:45 PM
Quote from: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 09:33:23 PM
I don't think there is much of a conspiracy here. I've been a sky watcher, or rather an airplane watcher since I was a little kid. There have always been contrails and they sometimes disappeared rapidly and they sometimes hung around a long time. There are many environmental factors involved, none of which correlate directly from what we see/feel on the ground to what is "up there".

There may be more contrails seen, chemtrails if you insist, than there were in the past as there are more aircraft going here and there.

I live near enough to Kirtland AFB that I'd think I should be seeing much more activity than I do.  ???

Anyhow, that's my contribution to this topic

MD, this is clearly nothing more than some disinformation by the government to distract us.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to show us your foil hat.  You are either with us or against us.  (I dunno how that applies, but we still want to see your hat).  i've been suspicious about you for some time now. 

That building site of yours is entirely too clean.  No way was that done by an amateur. 

We're watching you Don.   
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 10:52:59 PM
My hat??  ???

It's a fairly standard issue Columbia Sportswear hat.

Nothing unusual about it.

It might need a wash.

Yes, it does.

But I have a brand new one in the closet.

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 10:59:04 PM
Is that a pic of you MountainDon?
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 11:09:51 PM
I think mine was better, Don, but you may be prettier than I am... [crz]

From the HAARP Patent

"It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interactions. "

More possibilities to study -- I don't have all of the why's -- just the whats.  Today there were both types of jets going by - spraying and normal.

If normal the grids would not be there - the x's would not be there - they would appear more as fireworks radiating from a central point and turning over predetermined locations - VORs etc as necessary for air traffic control.  If given a direct to-- they would then be a shortcut between to navigation points but not a grid or standard x pattern.  I have studied the patterns many times on my navigation charts.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 11:12:16 PM
Quote from: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 10:02:41 PM

I thought this thread was for how get clean boys underwear.

Is that possible, Stink? 
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 11:21:05 PM
Quote from: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 10:59:04 PM
Is that a pic of you MountainDon?

Oui! C'est moi!! 

Fresh off the digital camera.   :)

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 11:27:03 PM
You didn't seem to think mine was so cute, Stink...   I'm hurt... a little crushed... feeling vulnerable... please be gentle... [crz]
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 11:33:31 PM
Quote from: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 11:21:05 PM
Quote from: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 10:59:04 PM
Is that a pic of you MountainDon?

Oui! C'est moi!! 

Fresh off the digital camera.   :)

I have always pictured you much more harrier and more plaid. :)
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: Whitlock on October 29, 2008, 11:36:24 PM
Quote from: glenn kangiser link=topic=5489.msg 69995#msg 69995 date=1225265702

There are many theories - some a bit crazy but I'm going with a combination of HAARP enhancement - weather modification and population attrition.
Quote from: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 09:55:31 AM
We have to leave the word theory off of this one, Frank.  There is something going on -- just haven't found out what yet.

It seems we can use the word theories on this thread but not the word theory ???

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 11:45:10 PM
That's my work day shirt, Stink. I have a plaid one in the Jeep waiting for me when I drive back up to the cabin this weekend.    ;D
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 11:46:34 PM
It is a very sweet and warm picture.

You're a cutie!


Don't mention this to NetHog. ;)
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 29, 2008, 11:48:36 PM
Ah shucks!    :-[
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 11:57:09 PM
Not a lot of answers yet - testing has been done on some of them.  

Admitted in Britain-- they have the same problem - by saying they did not comment on ongoing research projects. - a bit of an annoying video though...

The lady Doctor, scientist, researcher from Barium Blues if I recall correctly.

Note that I do not know the motivation or agenda, but the chemtrails expanding and covering the sky upon demand of someone is a fact that nobody with eyesight can ignore.  The non-randomness also cannot be passed off as coincidence. 
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 30, 2008, 12:01:47 AM
Quote from: Whitlock on October 29, 2008, 11:36:24 PM
Quote from: glenn kangiser link=topic=5489.msg 69995#msg 69995 date=1225265702

There are many theories - some a bit crazy but I'm going with a combination of HAARP enhancement - weather modification and population attrition.
Quote from: glenn kangiser on October 29, 2008, 09:55:31 AM
We have to leave the word theory off of this one, Frank.  There is something going on -- just haven't found out what yet.

It seems we can use the word theories on this thread but not the word theory ???

I guess I should clear that up -- you can use both words, but what I mean is that the sky coverage is a fact - not a theory.  I suppose suppositions about what is going on or the about the agenda behind the obliteration of the sky could be considered theories about the fact however the con or chemtrails spreading and covering the sky remains a fact, not a theory.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: Whitlock on October 30, 2008, 12:05:17 AM

I can see it now the County plans aluminum foil fashion line heh
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 30, 2008, 12:13:40 AM
My tin hat is just a little different...

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 30, 2008, 12:16:26 AM

My wife has these really big sewer pipe-like rollers...

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 30, 2008, 12:41:40 AM
Dang, Stink.  You're hot.  :)  rofl

What channels do you pick up with that setup anyway?
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 30, 2008, 12:45:24 AM
I get all the channels, but I am worried. I can not find a digital converter and will not be able to receive analog Tv signals after February 2009.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on October 30, 2008, 12:47:35 AM
Walmart. $49.99 less the $40 coupon on each of two. All three Walmarts around us here carry an RCA model that we like.

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 30, 2008, 12:51:53 AM
Well, use caution Stink --- I think that one on the right is bugged... [crz]
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 30, 2008, 12:53:33 AM
 I add the converter to my look, will that make my look to ostentatious ?
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 30, 2008, 12:57:55 AM
I would say to go with the plain Jane model, Stink.

Strictly low tech-- stay away from the ones with rabbit ears and Chrome knobs.

You don't want anyone walking up to you and trying to twist your knobs, Stink. [crz]
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on October 30, 2008, 01:00:30 AM
 rofl ~snort~ rofl
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on October 30, 2008, 01:05:11 AM
I did a funny... [rofl2]
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on November 03, 2008, 09:15:06 PM
Quote from: StinkerBell on October 29, 2008, 11:33:31 PM

I have always pictured you ...  ... more plaid. :)

Plaid enough?   sort of a subdued plaid...

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on November 03, 2008, 10:29:03 PM
Much better, but I must admit I was expecting a fuller beard, A lot of ear and back hair and a unibrow.
More of an Alaskan BushMan....I mean Mountain Man.....heh

I am just teasing you.

Where is the foil?
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on November 03, 2008, 10:30:08 PM
What's that you're carrying on your back?
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on November 03, 2008, 10:41:35 PM
fuller beard... I used to have a regular full beard, but changed gears a while back.  :D

I only wear the foil in the city.

That's the butt end of a 12 gauge shotgun. It's my hiking partner. Just visible is the business end of a rifled slug shell in the butt shell holder.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on November 03, 2008, 10:58:48 PM
My 12 gauge has a name, I call her Black Beauty.

Ironically I never had the chance to shoot her. Go figure. But she is real pretty.
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: MountainDon on November 04, 2008, 12:19:19 AM
No names for my guns...  ???  this is simply known as the short barreled pump.   :-\
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: Homegrown Tomatoes on November 04, 2008, 06:38:45 AM
Quote from: Whitlock on October 29, 2008, 09:59:32 PM
Quote from: Ernest T. Bass on October 29, 2008, 04:43:52 PM
Quote from: ScottA on October 29, 2008, 03:30:57 PMHow else do you explain the great american apathy?

Food and the pharmaceutical industry....

Now we are talking, Ernest hit the nail on the head d* The food and pharmaceutical industry are to blame for so much crap put in are food and drugs it is unreal. The list of diseases that are caused by stuff that is in are food is sick. Just look into High fructose corn syrup. Or MSG and it's hundreds of different names....

I think Ernest T and Whitlock have a point here, too.  It would probably be just as easy (easier?) if someone wanted to poison us to do it through food and drugs.  MOST Americans today have no earthly idea where their food comes from or how it is produced, or even what's really in it.  I used to marvel when we lived near the RR track in Wisconsin at the tanker cars full of corn syrup.  There were thousands and thousands of them... the train went by every 10-15 minutes, and all the trains headed south toward Chicago always had multiple tanker cars of corn syrup (and usually some lumber and Case-New Holland tractors.)  I used to wonder where on earth all those gallons of corn syrup ended up.  Incidentally, most of the trains heading north past our house were labelled as "molten sulfur".... one time I wondered out loud what they did with all that molten sulfur, and someone piped up, "Maybe they use it to fuel the fires of hell?" 
However, I do have to wonder about the chemtrails... I don't remember them lasting so long or there being anywhere near as many when I was a kid.  Of course, now every time I notice them, I think about Glenn! :)
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: glenn kangiser on November 04, 2008, 09:52:43 AM
Quote from: Homegrown Tomatoes on November 04, 2008, 06:38:45 AM
Quote from: Whitlock on October 29, 2008, 09:59:32 PM
Quote from: Ernest T. Bass on October 29, 2008, 04:43:52 PM
Quote from: ScottA on October 29, 2008, 03:30:57 PMHow else do you explain the great american apathy?

Food and the pharmaceutical industry....

Now we are talking, Ernest hit the nail on the head d* The food and pharmaceutical industry are to blame for so much crap put in are food and drugs it is unreal. The list of diseases that are caused by stuff that is in are food is sick. Just look into High fructose corn syrup. Or MSG and it's hundreds of different names....

I think Ernest T and Whitlock have a point here, too.  It would probably be just as easy (easier?) if someone wanted to poison us to do it through food and drugs.  MOST Americans today have no earthly idea where their food comes from or how it is produced, or even what's really in it.  I used to marvel when we lived near the RR track in Wisconsin at the tanker cars full of corn syrup.  There were thousands and thousands of them... the train went by every 10-15 minutes, and all the trains headed south toward Chicago always had multiple tanker cars of corn syrup (and usually some lumber and Case-New Holland tractors.)  I used to wonder where on earth all those gallons of corn syrup ended up.  Incidentally, most of the trains heading north past our house were labelled as "molten sulfur".... one time I wondered out loud what they did with all that molten sulfur, and someone piped up, "Maybe they use it to fuel the fires of hell?" 
However, I do have to wonder about the chemtrails... I don't remember them lasting so long or there being anywhere near as many when I was a kid.  Of course, now every time I notice them, I think about Glenn! :)

1. All of the above - depopulation by attrition will go unnoticed by most Americans and aligned country population where this is going on because government and elite disinformation tells you it is normal.  You naturally don't want to believe the crackpots labeled conspiracy theorists who have their eyes opened - too sinister and unpalatable.  That is how they keep you from looking -- make it something you don't want to or are scared to admit, you therefore will not believe your own eyes.  Don't let them turn you against your own senses.  That is why you have so much confusion and disagreement with what you really see.  You want to believe there is no evil intent on the part of gov who is supposed to take care of you.  It is not a pleasant thought.  Look up experimentation on civilians or false flag operations for some enlightening reading.

2. Homey... I feel I have made a bit of progress.  At least you now see them.  Hopefully you will some day become motivated enough to study up on them.  Note that there are analysis of the toxins in them online -- yes - real lab studies by non-gov people.  Search Chemtrails - keep the good info - ignore the crap.  Gotta go to work.  :)
Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: StinkerBell on November 04, 2008, 11:42:22 AM
Quote from: MountainDon on November 04, 2008, 12:19:19 AM
No names for my guns...  ???  this is simply known as the short barreled pump.   :-\

What? no names for our guns? How un American! heh

Title: Re: Non-Dissipating Vapor Trails
Post by: Whitlock on November 04, 2008, 11:43:41 AM
Quote from: Homegrown Tomatoes on November 04, 2008, 06:38:45 AM
Quote from: Whitlock on October 29, 2008, 09:59:32 PM
Quote from: Ernest T. Bass on October 29, 2008, 04:43:52 PM
Quote from: ScottA on October 29, 2008, 03:30:57 PMHow else do you explain the great american apathy?

Food and the pharmaceutical industry....

Now we are talking, Ernest hit the nail on the head d* The food and pharmaceutical industry are to blame for so much crap put in are food and drugs it is unreal. The list of diseases that are caused by stuff that is in are food is sick. Just look into High fructose corn syrup. Or MSG and it's hundreds of different names....

I think Ernest T and Whitlock have a point here, too.  It would probably be just as easy (easier?) if someone wanted to poison us to do it through food and drugs.  MOST Americans today have no earthly idea where their food comes from or how it is produced, or even what's really in it.  I used to marvel when we lived near the RR track in Wisconsin at the tanker cars full of corn syrup.  There were thousands and thousands of them... the train went by every 10-15 minutes, and all the trains headed south toward Chicago always had multiple tanker cars of corn syrup (and usually some lumber and Case-New Holland tractors.)  I used to wonder where on earth all those gallons of corn syrup ended up.  Incidentally, most of the trains heading north past our house were labelled as "molten sulfur".... one time I wondered out loud what they did with all that molten sulfur, and someone piped up, "Maybe they use it to fuel the fires of hell?" 
However, I do have to wonder about the chemtrails... I don't remember them lasting so long or there being anywhere near as many when I was a kid.  Of course, now every time I notice them, I think about Glenn! :)

Molten sulfur is a by product of natural gas plants. It is also the way sulfur is shiped to be used and truned into sulfuric acid and fertilizer.