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Off Topic => Off Topic - Ideas, humor, inspiration => Topic started by: ScottA on August 21, 2008, 07:34:50 PM

Title: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: ScottA on August 21, 2008, 07:34:50 PM
The government says so...really...It's in the news and everything... (
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: Sassy on August 21, 2008, 08:05:01 PM
aw, if MSNBC & NIST says it's so, it must be - one column failing in that big 47 story building caused the whole thing to implode in 7 seconds into dust - yep, must be true!  They didn't show all their computer simulation because scientifically, ergonometrically, physically, etc etc it showed that the demolition would slow down tremendously as it fell on top of itself if it was really what they're saying...

BTW, the state-of-the-art FEMA command center was set up on the 7th or 9th floor of building 7 but they had already moved the command center before 9/11 - wonder what they knew????   ??? ??? ???

Yep, they wouldn't lie to us, now everything is crystal clear to me  d* d* d*
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 21, 2008, 08:19:21 PM
OK - I'm sorry I doubted them then. ::)

I guess that Larry Silverstein will want to re-do this interview where he told them to demolish building 7 then too. hmm

Guess the government hasn't learned that it is better to keep their mouth shut and let people think they are stupid traitorous criminals than too open it and remove all doubt. 

Another study.... another study please.....[crz]
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 21, 2008, 09:51:38 PM
I get it now -- the new federal coverup story is a joke.  rofl [rofl2]

Thanks for the laugh, Scott.   This new Phenomenon story is too funny.  As the lie gets bigger they have to invent new unknown in millions of other buildings - phenomenons.  Cool rofl
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: benevolance on August 21, 2008, 10:57:21 PM
what was that dude's name that was in charge at the time and was on TV with a local reporter and he let it slip that they blew the building...That is exactly what he said...I am sure glenn has a link to that video he is our conspiracy specialist ;)
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 21, 2008, 11:42:17 PM
That was Larry Silverstien.  He just took control of the trade center about 7 to 9 months earlier - took out terrorism insurance and made a killing- near 8 billion as I recall - he got them to double it as he said it was 2 attacks.  It's the slimeball in the video above. 

There is so much circumstantial evidence on this if not the direct admission, one would have to be totally blind and scared to thnk they could do this.  That is what they want -- they tried to give the entire world PTSD so they would not believe what they did and would rather believe their lies.  The citizens don't want to think that someone they may have helped put into office could pull a crime this heinous without even batting an eye.
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: benevolance on August 22, 2008, 04:40:52 AM

I had seen that one...The one I remember was a fire chief or something talking about the decision to blow the building for safety reasons or something???
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: ScottA on August 22, 2008, 06:16:14 AM
You mean this story might not be true?  [shocked]
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 22, 2008, 09:28:33 AM
Could they even consider lying to you, Scott hmm .......(and I know you know). rofl

Peter, there are a ton og them - Firefighters from NY know what happened and volunteered to testify but are being ignored by gov and MSM so the people who only believe what they see on TV are convinced there i a conspiracy.  Firefighter video inks - I didn't check them out
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 24, 2008, 11:42:35 AM
Testing results are in and ----the solution?  The Underground House......yes- the only place safe for you in the world of metal is an underground complex.   I'm so far ahead of the game. d*
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 24, 2008, 11:45:01 AM
Finished the house yet, Scott? hmm

Looks like it might be wise to take the backhoe out of the picture window a bit and dig a hole to put it in. [crz]
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: ScottA on August 24, 2008, 01:03:41 PM
 rofl OK now I have heard it all.  d*

I do have a plan to build a underground bunker hide hole whatever you want to call it and conceal the entrance. Now I have a good government approved excuse.  :)
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 24, 2008, 01:11:31 PM
OK , Scott but be careful while sitting on the seat of the backhoe -- in case it spontaneously combusts and leaves you sitting in a pile of molten metal.  I worry about you getting burned with all that dangerous steel. [crz]
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: ScottA on August 24, 2008, 01:26:29 PM
The government really does think we are all stupid doesn't it?  >:(
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: apaknad on August 24, 2008, 05:22:10 PM
scott, i don't think the gov't thinks we sre stupid so much that it thinks we won't do anything but keep the status quo because it is more comfortable than taking back our country and having to deal with the hardships that it would bring. for many years and traitors they have been looking at us like eating an elephant(freedom) and have been doing it one bite at a time so as not for it to be noticed for what it really is. the last stumbling block for them is the elimination of private firearms ownership. sorry 'bout the mixed metaphors. please, to all the wonderful people here, stay alert or as an old sci-fi movie used to say "keep watching the skies"(the thing, original version.) we know who "the skies" are.
Title: Re: 9/11 not a conspiracy
Post by: glenn kangiser on August 24, 2008, 06:14:23 PM
They know that about 60% bought their lies about using controlled demolition on the WTC, 30% were still confused and the 10% that knew they did it are passed off as crazy conspiracy theorists.  It was likely with the assistance of Israel. (We are now fighting Israel's enemies for them and a Mossad crew was sent to film the attack on the trade center).  Half of our top government officials are dual Israeli - US citizens with their loyalties skewed directly toward Israel. 

A dual citizen used to be called a spy and or traitor.  Now they lead our government.  Dual citizenship could be workable but one should never be a government official.  There is no way to determine where their loyalty lies.  We can see plainly that they are stealing our children to die in their wars and kill their enemies.

Since so many have bought the first lies, it seemed that going farther in defying physics would be bought also.  No one wants or is allowed to openly confront them and get away with it.

The name Chertoff has been translated as son of the devil.
