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Looking for Land => Land Stories => Topic started by: Jimmy C. on May 09, 2005, 11:57:23 AM

Title: Good worker or butt-head?
Post by: Jimmy C. on May 09, 2005, 11:57:23 AM
This weekend I lost 3 hours of work time due to people in the area driving by site and stopping to find out what is going on.

Two of them were hungry, out of work electricians looking for work.

Two other people that lived down the way and just stopped by to be friendly and wanting to talk.

I also had a plumbing truck drive by real slow about 10 times.

I'm sure he will stop by next weekend and try to give me a quote.

One guy wanted me to pay him to help me hold boards while I nailed them.

How do I continue to work and not be rude?
Or is this just something I need to factor in for my construction time?
I don't want to be known as that butt-head building the new house!
Title: Re: Good worker or butt-head?
Post by: Daddymem on May 09, 2005, 12:00:29 PM
Make up some fake signs stating who is doing the work. Electric by Joe's Electricical.  Plumbing by Bob's Pipe Repair. etc.   Either that or put a nice big pit bull with a long run right out at the entrance  ;D
Title: Re: Good worker or butt-head?
Post by: Mommymem on May 09, 2005, 12:06:59 PM
I was going to suggest putting a sign out that says "If you wanna work for free, feel free to drop in."  :)
Title: Re: Good worker or butt-head?
Post by: Daddymem on May 09, 2005, 12:08:12 PM
How about "I'll gab with you as long as yer swingin a hammer."
Title: Re: Good worker or butt-head?
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 09, 2005, 01:33:05 PM
How about some of that plastic orange construction fencing on stakes across the front and a sign stating-  Insurance  Policy doesn't allow visitors beyond this point.  You  would probably still have to yell over to the fence once in a while but keeping a good rapport with neighbors is also an asset.

You may find that you want help, to know where something of interest is, etc.  Slows you down in the short run but usually pays off in the long run.  Just find ways to ease into work without ticking them off if possible.

Tell them you have to get back to work but get their name and phone so you can invite them over for a  barbecue some day after you're done.  Sometimes you can even get a little free help if you feed them and insurance problems aren't a concern.  This used to be commmon - not so much anymore, but we do it around here quite a bit.
Title: Re: Good worker or butt-head?
Post by: Jimmy C. on May 10, 2005, 08:40:51 AM
I don't mind the neighbors so much because I know I will see them all the time..
The contractors coming out of the woods kinda irritates me a little.. But I understand..  
Everyone needs to eat!

What about this sign?
