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Off Topic => Off Topic - Ideas, humor, inspiration => Topic started by: benevolance on June 06, 2007, 12:53:37 AM

Title: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on June 06, 2007, 12:53:37 AM
A great day to be Alive...

We had a Barbeque... Drank beers and invited the neighbors over for Sweet potatoes, Italian Sausages, Salad, fresh bread out of oven etc..

Amazing how much positive energy flowed through all of us...There was actually hope that things were going to get better in this country.

Gonzales is hanging on by a thread
They Got Wolfowitz
Rumsfeld is gone
And Libby is in Jail

They are pressing on with the Rove investigation as well... Rice and Cheney have not yet co-operated...But they would likely be under fire and charges if they ever get to really dig into this thing....

A very good day for us all.
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: glenn kangiser on June 06, 2007, 06:47:06 AM
They are catching the little fish. :-/
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: Daddymem on June 06, 2007, 11:22:24 AM
Georgie boy will just pardon him in a bit anyways.
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on June 06, 2007, 04:27:10 PM
I actually do not believe he will pardon him....

Libby is guilty of purposly interferring with and hindering a cia investigation...Comitting perjury.

This whole thing is about national security and a group of people that put the lives of american operatives at risk for their own personal gain.... These kinds of infractions are of the direst of discressions

The CIA started an investigation so they could persecute those responsible for  putting peoples lives at risk.... And Libby was found guilty of holding up that investigation...

If he is pardoned the CIA will throw a fit.... Bush would be saying it is okay to lie on the stand and purposely mislead the CIA if you have a friend in the white house to pardon you... It would also effectively end any type of internal investigation of anyone linked to the political party that is currently in the white house....

These are dire and dangerous precedents to be setting....

Crooks as politicians is nothing new...Greed oil... control we all are hip to that being part of everyday life as well.... But the justice system and agencies like the FBI and CIA need to have teeth to persecute people. Just setting libby free throws a wrench in the ability to get to any truth or to  maintain any level of integrity.

As much as the republicans would like to pull a string and have one of the good ole boys set free....The backlash from doing so would be too much....And for that I feel that they are going to make Libby the scapegoat and everything will be his fault....So that Cheney and Rove do not burn in flames alongside of him
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: Daddymem on July 03, 2007, 10:43:59 AM

Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: John Raabe on July 03, 2007, 04:26:14 PM
In the BushCheney mindworld you don't worry about what people think or even the best interests of the Republican party.

"We got elected and we get to make up the rules as we go and do just what we want until it's time to go..."

Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on July 03, 2007, 05:10:10 PM

I still cannot believe Bush had the audacity to do this.... The judge that sentenced Libby was a republican appointed by bush

So the republicans cannot say that this was unfair or unjust.... The judge had no choice if he wanted to avert allegations that he was not fit to sit on the bench...

Libby sunk himself with bad testimony and he was easily found guilty of Perjury and obstruction of justice... He should have done 5 years.

Also the judge that yesterday who refused to delay the jail time until after the appeal was one of Bush' republicans

These guys were republicans and they all still thought he belonged in jail...

Even in bush's comments... He says.... I respect the jury's decision...But the punishment was just too stiff

Which says he is admitting that Libby was fairly convicted in a court of law by his peers....

I watched on TV last night where they said they can go after libby again and persue the charges....which is what I hope that they will do.

I am upset at deomcrats and republicans because nobody seems to have the moral fortitude to put their personal career ambitions on hold for a minute and make a point to do what is right...

People need to be burning flags bras and whatever else they can find to ignite...march protest...we cannot allow our legal system to be made meaningless...there must be justice under the law if there is to continue to be a system of law.

all I saw last night was a little bit of people standing up and saying it was wrong....I want to see politicians who get flaming mad and commit to putting this right.
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: John Raabe on July 03, 2007, 06:36:49 PM
Political protest? >:( Standing up for ideas of justice and principles? :(

Isn't that kind of 20th century?  :-[
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: Daddymem on July 03, 2007, 08:20:33 PM
This is what people don't realize-how much power and influence Georgie boy has and how he truly sees himself as king George.  There really should be a law preventing direct descendants of former presidents from being able to run for office-there is just too much power, influence, and IOUs leftover from daddy's term.
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: glenn kangiser on July 03, 2007, 08:22:25 PM
Remember that we are talking about a person posing as president who has never been elected (was installed by the Supreme court), and was never legitimately re-elected due to computer fraud.

I am not saying there was a better choice.  We are not allowed better choices.  

Ron Paul may be a better choice coming up but I look for a couple of things to happen.  Another false flag disaster will be set up and played out on our soil.  The current group of criminals will remain in power as a dictatorship....  or Ron Paul will be assassinated or put out of the way in some other manner and another of their puppet team players will be installed....all the while the sheeple will be led to believe they participated in the formation or continuation of the empire.

They really don't give a flip what anyone thinks.

Daddymem - on the early Libby thing --- good prediction, eh. :-? :)  What else could anybody who knows how they operate really expect.  How could Bush let one of his accomplices do time??? :)
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on July 04, 2007, 04:31:45 AM
reading opinion polls tonight and Bush has hit a new all time low for him... He is as hated as Nixon after watergate...

All time lows here folks...

At what point will the nation stand up and call for the head of Bush?
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: glenn kangiser on July 04, 2007, 09:51:04 AM
Probably after Paris has recovered from her jail stint - the World Series - PGA - NFL - Fox News -etc - etc - etc.

Nobody really cares.  It is too easy to have misplaced faith in the system.  

OMG.  They made Paris cry. :-/

They won't stand up.  They've been trained to crawl and are quite good at it. :)
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on July 04, 2007, 10:47:27 AM

Well I guess that has always been one of my flaws....I have always expected a lot of out of other people...I sort of believed that Principles and morals would win out

Very naive of me now I know....
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: glenn kangiser on July 04, 2007, 11:34:46 AM
The fact is that principles and morals will never get you anywhere in big politics, Peter.

The highest offices are only attainable by the most corrupt with the best skills of manipulating the masses or destroying anyone or anything that gets in the way.

Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: John Raabe on July 04, 2007, 05:17:11 PM
The fact that Glenn is at least partially right about politics (voter dissatisfaction is at an all-time high -- with BOTH parties) leads me to consider that the time may be ripe for an independent non-party candidate to have a real chance.
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on July 04, 2007, 06:00:21 PM
I would welcome fresh faces through a independant...

But lack of funding and the hard to kill loyalties people have no matter what... Mean a IND vote is never going to happen

Seriously....ask yourself how many republicans or democrats that you know who always vote democrat or republican no matter who is running...

That is why we have dumb dumb bush in office...Because of blind party loyalty...he got enough legit votes that he could worm wiggle and finnagle his way through a controversial ruling and faulty computers to get into office... Those things made me mad.... But what hurts me more is knowing that so many people who disliked him could not stand him voted for him just because he was a republican.....Or the christian right who voted for him because of his belief in God (I need to throw something at the F'ing wall when I think about that"

Robert Frost says it best in Mending wall when describing the hard headed neighbor:

" I see him there
bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me~
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father's saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."

the mentality that it was good enough for my father and his father it is good enough for me... If people would for once think for themselves and put blind loyalties aside...I think a independant would have a chance...I think ron paul would have a chance.... As it stands now... I have no faith in either ever happening.

Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: John Raabe on July 04, 2007, 07:23:00 PM
Benevolance: Your are probably right. The depth of the groove the two parties have in place makes it an enormous task to get people to jump to an independent candidate! However, I do think a new politics is afoot... hopefully it will bear fruit in my lifetime  ::)

This from an article on the birth of the modern right and left...

The Aquarians and the Evangelicals, How left-wing hippies and right-wing fundamentalists created a libertarian America.

"The ideologies that pass for liberalism and conservatism today are too weighed down with authoritarian elements for either to lay claim to the real American center. Since American society today is committed to a much wider scope for both economic and cultural competition than was allowed before the '60s erupted, it makes most sense to call that center [highlight]libertarian[/highlight]."

Read it all in Reason Magazine:

PS - Great quote from Frost (now I know the rest of the story!)
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: fourx on July 04, 2007, 11:09:19 PM
Libertarian ideals, from the other side of the World, seem like snowflakes in Hell in the US of the present day. As for Libby, ask yourselves just how many of us remember the disgracefull last-minute pardon of Rich in the dieing hours of the Clinton Government, while the blue dress was on it's way back from the cleaners..never hear of it now, do you?
Libby will go the same easy route, thanks to an International  Media who are as indepentent as a sucker-fish, and who have the same reason to exist.
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: glenn kangiser on July 04, 2007, 11:28:30 PM
I'm pretty well with you Pete.  The vote/election is only a motion the masses are allowed to go through to make them think they actually had a say in who is elected to run our country.  As the democrats recently proved to us, the desires of the masses will be totally ignored no matter who they vote in, and it will be business as usual as dictated by the criminal elite.

One party prevails - one gives in and believes they at least had a say and were beaten fair and square.  While this allows them to save face, it is of no consequence.  The choices they are given is merely a bone they are tossed by the true masters of world events. :o  
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: benevolance on July 05, 2007, 01:45:10 AM
well anytime any president pardons someone of question at the last minute they still hold office like Clinton did.. it should be scrutinized.

However I thought they totally made way too big a deal out of the Monica thing...i mean the only person Bill had to answer to for his actions was his wife...

I do not think that the public or the opposing party has a right to intrude into the personal lives of people... So what happened in Bill and Monica's bed should be private...

It was just a means to an end to get back in power and to try to get rid of the very successful Clinton (who refused wolowitz and Rumsfeld when they pitched war in Iraq to Clinton)

But this pardoning thing....It needs to be abolished...for the sake of justice

As long as the president can offer pardons of his friends and allies it puts the end around on justice... This sort of thing will have great damage on the justice system in Washington for years....No republican thinks that they have to co-operate in any investigation or tell the truth...if they destroy evidence take the 5th... whatever they should believe that someone higher up in their party who they are protecting will take care of them and a pardon is on the way...

Meanwhile justice and the American people are getting the shaft as per usual.

I guess this is a case of the more things change the more they stay the same. :-/
Title: Re: Libby is going to Jail
Post by: glenn kangiser on July 07, 2007, 05:49:29 PM
A bit more on this.

TBR News July 2, 2007       
The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 2, 2006: "The media is jabbering away about the Libby pardon, criticizing the Head Chimpanzee for flouting the law.

Let's study why he did such a politically stupid thing. At one time, Libby was Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. He was the chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, which helps explains why Cheney was so determined to invade Iraq. Libby has been  a longtime associate of Wolfowitz and  was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich, whom Clinton pardoned in his last days as president.

Why did Bush pardon Libby? Simply because Libby was a man who knew too much. He was designated to take the fall for Cheney on the Plame business but drew the line at jail time. Libby saw to it that the brass in the White House knew that if he had to go to prison, he would sing like an opera star at  La Scala and like a good singer, he would certainly bring down the house.

What would Libby talk about? Well, the plans to institute official torture cooked up by Cheney and eagerly approved by Bush. Cheney's obscene rake-offs from the Halliburton scams, serious scandals about Gannon's nocturnal visits to the White House and who he was fudge-packing,  Karl Rove's chronic blackmail of anyone who got in Bush's way, Bush and Cheney's outspoken contempt for blacks and their obedience to Israeli demands, Cheney's determination to establish Iraq as a permanent forward military base to secure Iraqi oil for the US and his friends and serve as a launching pad for attacks on Israeli's enemies, plans to oust Putin and regain control over Russian oil and gas fields,  deliberately falsified "terror alerts" and, worse of all, knowingly launching an attack on Iraq using officially  falsified CIA reports.

How many have died because of these two evil men? Libby knows and that's why dear old Scooter, convicted of several serious felonies, goes free.  It sure ain't compassion because George has a heart the size of a mustard seed and has strong sadistic tendencies. Maybe Libby would tell them about the movies George and his evil friends used to watch upstairs in the private quarters showing terrible tortures at Gitmo and in Iraq.

Believe me, these are very sick people who should be in a nice jail of their own and not dictating to the American people and killing their sons."