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Internet Finds for Designer/Builders => Referral Links => Topic started by: glenn-k on October 01, 2006, 10:03:00 AM

Title: Mind Map book
Post by: glenn-k on October 01, 2006, 10:03:00 AM
"A different way of thinking about your project.  This is the reason I don't mind topics drifting a bit on the board ----it's only natural.  Even Boeing uses this method.

The Mind Map Book (

Quote from Kevin Kelly of Cool Tools, where I found this:  Note - check out his link below for more information on this book.


"MindMaps are a tool for thinking. Instead of arranging your ideas in a sequence -- as a list of words -- you draw them in an arboreal fashion, radiating out from one starting notion. Mindmaps use pictures instead of words, radial branches instead of linear lists, starfish instead of ladders, and associations instead of priorities -- and as a result you think different. The visual trees you generate as you mindmap mirror the dendritic nature of our brain, and seem to flow more organically and (after practice) with less effort than the rigid discipline of making 1,2,3 textual notes.

They are easy to doodle. Anyone can make them. Kids and CEOs as well as creative types. I've come to employ this style of radial association in my own note taking and personal brainstorming. You don't need this book to do it, but the book will help you refine your style, and it will help you expend its use. The authors, who've been perfecting and evangelizing this technique for decades, offer advice on how to use mindmaps to teach, as a form of diary, and most importantly, as a group exercise, say in corporate brainstorming sessions.

There are software programs for mindmapping (which I have not tried), but for me the intensely kinetic mode of drawing ideas (if even on tiny scratch paper) is a great part of the technique's ability to produce new and different perspectives.

-- KK"