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General => General Forum => Topic started by: OlJarhead on August 28, 2013, 06:19:43 PM

Title: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: OlJarhead on August 28, 2013, 06:19:43 PM
OK Folks, what is likely needed vs ideal?  I ask because my choices are $30 for R10 vs $18 for R5 a sheet (roughly) when comparing Owens Corning FOAMULAR 150 at HD -- look at the Owens Corning site this is one of the choices listed for under slabs.

Title: Re: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: MountainDon on August 28, 2013, 06:58:24 PM
Any amount is better than nothing. Climate zones 4, 5 & 6 are recommended to have R10 under a slab for a habitable space with an additional R5 for slabs with heating built into the slab (radiant).

Not much difference when looking at a small area.
Title: Re: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: MountainDon on August 28, 2013, 07:04:29 PM
BTW, the greater the temperature differential between the interior space and the ground under the slab, the faster the heat transfer.
Title: Re: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: OlJarhead on August 28, 2013, 08:40:23 PM
So better to spend the money on the R10 then :(  Of course I knew that but was hoping maybe I didn't really need it.

80 square feet of heated space I want to stay VERY warm (50+) with little effort even when it's below zero....ya, I'm thinking I better spend the bucks
Title: Re: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: Canvasman on August 29, 2013, 08:53:28 PM
If you are putting this under concrete, use 250 density. Also don't forget 6mil poly.
Title: Re: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: MountainDon on August 29, 2013, 09:02:12 PM
The makers and sellers of the 25 psi density would like you to believe that so they can sell a product that costs more. However, some math reveals that for normal residential use the 25 psi foam is unnecessary. I too believed that until the day an experienced professional home craftsman pointed out the error. This had been pointed out to him by a licensed professional engineer.

see this post...
Title: Re: Under slab insulation: R5? R10?
Post by: OlJarhead on September 03, 2013, 10:21:47 AM
In the end I went with the R10 'Styrofoam' (Blue) insulation as that's what the supply had (since HD sold all their pink).

Pricing was almost identical so it wasn't much difference.