My build is a modified litle house build with a similar twist like Lemay's with the loft. My questions are.....
Where he has one of the lofts supported by a full wal between the rafters and the floor joists is that enough support on a 16' span? if not then does one need a jack stud underneath to assist in the weight distribution? and if so to maintain the supprt can one use 1/4 - 1/2" threaded rod through the wall tightened in order to keep the open concept?
Sorry for the mass questions but I am getting ready for the next part this and next weekends. Here is a plan picture for reference has changed a little re doorways and windows but you'll see the post in question near the stairwell...
Love to have some feedback!
A double top plate wall should be able to handle a load from a beam. It then becomes a load bearing wall and cuts the span of the beam above. The wall should fall over a foundation support so as not to concentrate too much weight onto the joists.
Interesting thanks Squirl. But one end of my lofts has a triple 2x6 beam underneath the 16' span somewhere in the center to prevent the sag. I am trying to elimate the post all together. In Lemay's design he put a wall upstairs between the roofline and the floor. the 16' beam I am using is a triple 2x8 laminated. I am wondering if that is enough support, and if not could I use a threaded rod in the wall(from the attic to below the 2x8 beam) to thread(tie) it all together so I can elimate the beam below for the open concept I am hoping for. If so what size rod would be the best size.
In theroy the rod shouldn't be carrying a whole lot of the load(which is carried by the 2x8's) if I have the same wall between the attic and the second floor deck. It would be used to reduce the possibility of sagging... >>>