My partner Stephen and I both really really like the Victoria's Cabin plans. We are seriously thinking of building this for ourselves as our permanent residence. We are trying to keep our footprint, and the cost down, while still having a nice-looking, well lighted-house.
We are curious about one thing: We have noticed a lot of pictures with the spiral staircase and are wondering if this is a specification of the pans ( ie. does the plan allow for enough room to allow for a standard staircase.
We are concerned because we are going to get a builders mortgage for the building, and thus everything must be "to code". An important note, We are building this in Canada (in the Yukon Territory, North of Whitehorse, to be pricise (wink)). I think that the Canadian Building Code has specifications for staircases that lead to sleeping areas (ie, maximum steepness, minimum head room opening, etc.) We are not sure if the spiral staircase types would be allowed.
If anybody knows if the Victoria's Cabin has enough room for a normal staircase, let us know! Thanks to all!
Right, well, here is part of answer to my own questions, which I found on the Victoria's Cabin House Plan web site ( duh)
and I quote: "Plans include information on three types of stairs. The steep cottage stair shown below (takes the least space), a 5' diameter spirial stair (see the photos), and a full sized code stair that goes up to the loft and could also be used to go on down to a basement from a kitchen access door."
*still blushing*
Hi Marishka. I faced the same issue with our Victoria's. Ours is to eventually become our full-time residence and a full set of stairs would make it seem more like a house and less like a camp (Maine-speak for cabin) but I went with the spiral-stairs because the footprint is so small compared with conventional stairs. Good luck with your project! :D