Hi, My husband and I live on our wooded property in the Ozarks. We moved here 5 years ago to raw land from Ohio. We built a 24X24 pole building (the poles being trees from our land) with a shed roof. We have lived in it since. Being newbies to building we made mistakes. d*
So we decided last Spring that the floors in our house definitely need fixed and we wanted to add a room for our hottub we bought.It was either tear up the floor in the house and fix it. (joists too far apart, floor VERY bouncy) or build another bigger house. And live in this one until it is completely done.Then use this house as a storage/barn.
We made a floor plan we are extremely happy with. It will be one story, 2 bedrooms, with an attached screened in hot tub room and a library at the back. So we proceeded to walk around our acreage and figure out the best spot. Turns out it is about 75 feet behind this house. Not very long travel time :).
So we spent 3 weekends cutting up trees and getting the site ready. we can only work on it (together) on my DH's weekends which are Sunday and Monday. Then on Memorial Day we rented a "groundhog" and dug the 35( ended up 36) holes. We dug the holes for this house by hand and we would still be digging if not for the auger.
We put in wide thick concrete bases with rebar and are pouring the piers using sonotubes and put simpson braces at the top of the piers. Hand mixing the concrete a bag at a time in a wheel barrow, leveling each as we go with a water level. We have 2/3 of the piers done YEAH!!! It has been hard with the heat we have had this summer. Most days we were lucky to get 4 piers poured. We are hoping to get the beams and floor joists up and deck on before winter. then stockpile lumber and go crazy as soon as the weather warms a little . We are using double 2x12's for the beams. (we have 5 rows of 7 piers everything is 8 ft. apart.) and 2x10s for floor joists on top of the beams. we'll use 2X8s for the front 6 feet for a covered porch. 2x6 exterior walls.
Hopefully we won't make as many mistakes with this one or at least make mistakes we can live with or that can be easily fixed.
w* looking forward to seeing your build!
Depending on the style of roof you have, you may want to go to triple 12's on the outside beams.
From the IRC charts for girder spans a 36 ft wide single story with a center bearing floor has a span rating of 6'-5" for double 2x12's. Triple 2x12's has a span rating of 8'. That is assuming you have a 30lb snow load. The additional weight from a 32 ft wide roof could be alleviated with purlins and load bearing walls over the center girders. I know you are concerned about bounce, so I thought this may be useful. If you would like further reading on how to use the IRC girder sizing chart, you can find it here:
Thanks Sassy!
Squirl, Thank you for the links. I like the idea of the triple 2X12's on the edges ! But the Simpson ties already embedded in the concrete are for Double. When I got the Simpsonties, the man selling them was a contractor who had bought out a lumberyard. I told him what we were doing and he drew out a plan and told us where to put what. He said the house will be "stout". Let's hope so!
Going today to check out a bunch of lumber for the beams, if its good we'll get it . And hopefully pouring the rest of the piers this weekend. We need about 6 more sonotubes and our local building supply place ran out. they said they would have more in Wed. :(.
I backfilled the piers this week and I have Blisters on blisters. :(
Got the beam lumber yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Got it from craigslist and told the guy we'd be back for 2X10's for the floor joists. Can't beat the price, less than half of retail.
Went to get sonotubes and Lowe's only had 4 foot long ones for the cost of the 8 foot ones we have been buying from another local building supply place. So we didn't get them, our builder's supply promised us some on Wednesday, so we will wait. It's the principle of the thing !!!
SOOOO we are finding other things to do this weekend. Lots of little projects around the homestead have gotten put-off this summer. Time to do them!
It's probably fine but do check the grade stamps on the lumber. We've had a few fast ones pulled here, one on me last week d*
:) :) :) YAY!!!! We finished the last of the piers today!!!! Yeah!! We met our goal of the weekend after Labor day having all the piers in!!!! On to the BEAMS!!! It feels so good to be done with Concrete!!!! ;D ;D
all the other piers are peeled ( the sonotube peeled off) and backfilled, will wait till next weekend to peel the 12 we did over the past 2 days! And my blisters from backfilling the other piers will be probably be healed just in time to make new ones ;)
Change of plans :) Isn't that always the way? Welp after not working on the new house over the winter,we decided to get back at it ,of course during the heat wave of the last two months. I guess we think it has to be over 100 degrees to build? d* Anyway. we decided to change our plans and we are now drying in and finishing half the house first so we can more easily afford to get it done and finish the other side later. We changed the floorplan so now the hot tub screen room is in front off to the side that won't be finished till later. Phase 1 is 16 X48. We put the girders up, got the floor joists on and spacers /blocking.
We decided instead of going away for our Anniversary coming up next month we would build the deck for the hot tub and screen it . That's what we worked on this weekend. We got the hot tub leveled, and most of the joists up. We have a 4 foot deck across the front of the house continuing to an 8 x16 deck on the side.
We are using cedar 2x6's for the decking and I can cut and put those on this week in the early mornings when it isn't unbearable hopefully.
I only have cell phone pics right now I will post some later.