There are some things I have always said I was going to do, and haven't.
I decided last week I'd better start whittling the list down while I could so yesterday Jane and I went to Tangier.
It was an hour and a half boat ride to get there and I have some observations not found in the travel brochures.
1. It has a very depressed economy. Fishing and the tourist boats are it. There are 4 restaurants, one kinda nice and 3 Iwoudn't eat in for anything...and that from someone that likes greasy spoons.
2. The people all look alike and I think there have been a few first cousin encounters.
3. The people that want your money, smile and speak (Odd language. Sorta a modified Elizabethan Yankee dialect) but they really don't care much for outsiders.
4. The entire island is about the size of our farm but has over 500 people living there. There is no privacy.
It is pretty on the surface but get past the very thin layer and it reminds me more of an Indian reservation than an island paradise.
If I go back, it will only be to record some of the speech.
The only time I saw any genuine emotion was during a conversation with two old ladies running a store.
Me. I have to catch the boat at 2:00.
Lady. Better not miss it. There's only one place to stay here and it's not very nice.
Me. I'm not worried, I can make it back without the boat.
Lady. You mean swim?
Me. No, walk.
Lady. You can't walk in the water.
Me. Mountain people walk ON the water.
There was dead silence for at least 30 seconds then both these stuffy old women broke out laughing. Never said another word but were still laughing when I left.
Well.....on to the next thing on the list c* had never heard of Tangier Island...and now I wish I hadn't. ;D
The official website
The nap quick tour
Thanks Peter. I always like to get off the beaten path. But like books the inside is not as glamorous as the cover. ;D
Peter, thank goodness you went, you saw and you retreated. Saves me the trouble. I was worried I'd have to go there my self. ;D
I've lived on a small island for a summer. Everyone knew what I had done before I did.