I posted this on the tobacco growers site. It shows the difficulty in getting equipment sometimes.
QuoteI just thought I'd pass this along.
In one of the threads, a member suggests using Big Mama Panty Hose to bag the flower heads.
Sounded reasonable to me and one night when my wife and I were in town, I started the search for Big Mama Panty Hose. My wife was unaware of my quest.
Every store I went to and asked responded with "No but we have.."
Finally, we went to the Dollar Tree where I asked the Manager. He said the same thing.
I got a spray bottle and the wife got a few things and we went to the register to pay.
The lady working the counter asked if I found everything. I was at the end of my rope and blurted out.."No, I came here to get Big Mama Panty Hose and you don't have any".
My wife not having privy to the previous requests, got the same look on her face that an elderly spinster would get on seeing her first streaker at the Garden Club.
The cashier trying to keep her composure said, "But we have....".
"No", I said. "I need Big Mama Panty hose. I can't use just any brand". She asked why they had to be that brand and I said..."Because they keep the Bees from pollinating us in the fields (meaning of course the Tobacco Plants).
The cashier began to giggle so hard she couldn't count the change and had to put her head on the cash drawer. My wife got the "Who is this man" posture and the line waiting began to move away.
After paying we went home. There was a long silence in the car, then Jane said "I'm never taking you anywhere again".
She didn't mean it of course. She said the same thing after I went in the dressing room in a snooty W omen's Dress Shop and shouted "Hey...There's no toilet paper in here".
Whew... that's a relief... I thought maybe you were going to wear them.... [waiting]
rofl Thanks for the good laugh!