I bought another bag of feed corn yesterday. It's gone from $7.99 to 10.99 in about a month and the manager says to expect it to go higher.
Food here is skyrocketing and I'm getting nervous.
I usually plant a 3/4 acre vegetable garden and have been lax the last few years about canning. That's changing this summer. I plowed 5 acres and plan on doing a lot of canning, especially green beans since that's one of the staple things I can eat.
I'll keep the game plots the same and I'm adding a tobacco field also. The tobacco plants are all started and will be ready to plant when the weather turns (It's 30 degrees right now).
If I can't find a local farmer with feed corn at a reasonable price, the game feeders are gonna gather dust this summer.
I think Gas and food prices may be the big issue this year.
I plan to double the micro-garden this year
the Japan disaster is yet another strain on food supplies
I don't have time to tend a bigger garden while still working full time
do you sell the tobacco or is it for personal use ? I used to work with a man from Kentucky that raised tobacco when he was a kid -- sounded like alot of work -- but it apparently paid pretty good
Quote from: Windpower on March 28, 2011, 08:38:44 AM
I plan to double the micro-garden this year
the Japan disaster is yet another strain on food supplies
I don't have time to tend a bigger garden while still working full time
do you sell the tobacco or is it for personal use ? I used to work with a man from Kentucky that raised tobacco when he was a kid -- sounded like alot of work -- but it apparently paid pretty good
I doubt I'll sell much if any. Most is for personal use (one if my two remaining vices) and I expect I'll give some to Larry Kidd who is still struggling with his off grid farm. It wouldn't surprise me to see cigarettes go up another dollar a pack this summer. The tobacco I have is an old Indian variety (Midaweewan ..spelling) and fits in with my all heirloom philosophy. It doesn't have as much nicotine as some and nowhere near what commercial cigarettes have, but it suits me fine.
My part of Va is traditional tobacco country. Lots have stopped growing it because of the market pressure and subsidies, but there are still plenty of tobacco farms. It really isn't all that much trouble to grow.