Have you folks noticed this HUD Design Guide? Probably old news. Incredible information and free! Now I have less than 1000 questions for DavidJ. Scroll down to the 4 PDFs.
Information overload for one night! :D Loads of info there.
For those who have not yet discovered, we have links to some building codes websites. I find them especially useful at times.
Begin HERE (http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=6224.0) (down at/near the bottom of this one is NY state specific (thks squirl))
comment: I especially like the VA one from Don_P. If one uses the firefox browser the DownThemAll add-on will permit downloading the whole set of pages. None of these are printable. Nor does copy/paste work. Ditto save, not possible to save the pages from the web without DownThemAll.
and HERE (http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=2590.0) Only one section at a time but it is all there. Copy/paste works on it.
Thanks Don, I dodn't know this info was here. Very helpful stuff. [cool]