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General => General Forum => Topic started by: poppy on January 15, 2011, 05:52:03 PM

Title: Off the Grid, paperback book by Nick Rosen
Post by: poppy on January 15, 2011, 05:52:03 PM
Was reviewing the magazine Home Again at the local library and saw this book mentioned.  I would have reviewed the book, but it had been checked out.

This is not a "how-to" but rather a travel journal of sorts where Rosen interviewed various off-the-grid folks to record why they do what they do.

Here's his web link.

If someone has read it, I would be interested in comments; ortherwise I will see if it's back on the shelf on my next trip.
Title: Re: Off the Grid, paperback book by Nick Rosen
Post by: MountainDon on January 15, 2011, 08:41:06 PM
poppy, I had a look at his website and checked out the reader comments about his book on Amazon.

If one believes many of the reviews of the book I do hope the library copy comes back in soon. Many reviewers did not think it worth the price.  But some did. ???

On the website, there is a blurb on the current Australian flood and resultant power grid problems.  this page. ( That's worth reading. The point of mentioning this is that, IMO, what he advocated illustrates, to me, that the author is not well versed in some aspects of PV power.

(Grid tied PV modules are usually connected in such a manner that they are producing up to 500 VDC. Try connecting a 12 volt UPS to that like he advocates and see how how much smoke you can produce real fast. If you make it off the roof alive.)

Maybe he writes an entertaining story.