CountryPlans Forum

General => General Forum => Topic started by: alex trent on October 29, 2011, 09:20:50 AM

Title: Soil Test
Post by: alex trent on October 29, 2011, 09:20:50 AM
Is this a realistic/accurate way to get soil bearing values.

Dig hole to desired pier depth.  Put 6x6 in (1/4 of a sq. ft. in area). Fill hole. Load with 500 lbs dead weight and see what happens over a month as far as subsidence. Actually I will do this on two posts with 1000 lbs. so I can balance the weight on the posts.

At end of rainy season now...soil is saturated, seems to drain really well. We have about 4-8 inches more to come in the next month or so.
Title: Re: Soil Test
Post by: NM_Shooter on October 29, 2011, 12:07:19 PM
I don't think that will provide an accurate representation.  too many factors over a period of a year to be able to extrapolate based on a one month load test.  Dig your hole below frost line, line with gravel, insert post and be done with it!
