14 unusual "house" designs

Started by poppy, February 03, 2010, 04:45:44 PM

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My searches are turning up strange things today.


I put the word house in quotes because I am familiar with one of the designs, and it's not a house.

The big basket is a real building, but not a house; it's the head quarters office building for the Longaberger Basket Co. in Newark, OH.


Well, hmmm.  A couple of those, I have to wonder if they were photoshopped (the one of the 'house' on a 'rock' in the ocean, standing on two pilings!, and the one of a building wedged in between two rock walls, with a rope ladder hanging down under it).  A few don't really look all that odd, at least to me.  The house on what appears to be a tiny island (but probably not, because there's a car parked in front of it) is probably built in between the two big rocks to help protect it from the wind.  The only thing odd about the adobe/cob apartment building is some of the stairs look like they'd be a pain to use, possibly unsafe.  And I don't see anything terribly odd about the lake-side village (Switzerland?) or the ocean-side town on the bluff, looks like somewhere on the Mediteranean.  Some of the others are weird, though!



The one that looks like a whole block of homes are at an acute angle is in San Francisco---the street is really steep and the camera is cocked but the houses are plumb. 
Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida


Lots more oddities or strange houses HERE.

..... and yes, I believe some of these have been through Photoshop.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


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