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Title: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on April 10, 2009, 03:53:49 PM

Part 1

Part 2
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: ScottA on April 10, 2009, 04:18:50 PM
He's got it mostly right but there's nothing new here and he offers no solutions. Education is the only possible solution and that won't be easy. Best to hide in the trees and hope they don't notice.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on April 10, 2009, 04:30:47 PM
I watched the vids, and he does a great job of explaining the groups involved nd how the world is governed as well as where it is headed if the OWG people get their way.

I also was interested in seeing a plan of action or solution.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Sassy on April 10, 2009, 04:53:00 PM
I thought he gave a great breakdown of the power behind the power.  Yes, he doesn't give a solution, but so many people are still in disbelief that there could be any groups coordinated enough to carry out the master plan.  Just the act of getting people to open their eyes & see that groups like the Bilderbergers, CFR & Trilateralists are in a major way controlling the puppet strings is an accomplishment!  Until then, the smaller number of people who are shouting out "Look!!!" will be swept out the door as "conspiracy theorists"   [frus]  And our freedoms will continue to be stolen without a whimper  d* [waiting]
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on April 16, 2009, 10:43:10 AM
Posted yesterday

Things are not always what they seem

Part 1

Part 2
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on April 17, 2009, 01:07:35 AM
I think he has a good handle on it and it looks like his analysis could very likely be right.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: pagan on April 17, 2009, 06:45:07 AM
It doesn't take too much effort to look at how the American federal government has been staffed since Kennedy to see public "servants" rotating from the private sector to the public sector, usually with the changing of administrations. How many Clinton people has Obama brought back? How many Reagan and Bush #1 people did Bush #2 use in his administration? Unfortunately most people ignore what's going on, don't care, or are simply far too lazy to learn and then act.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on April 23, 2009, 10:42:43 AM

Alex Jones interviews Salbuchi

Interesting thoughts about living through the 2001 Argentine monetary collapse
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: hnash53 on April 25, 2009, 02:55:28 PM
A few choice lines from "Brave New World Revisited" :

p. 129:  An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood

p. 145:  In the end, they will lay down their freedom at our feet and say to us, "Make us your slaves, but feed us."

p. 147:  ...grow up to love their servitude

And finally, from "1984":

" ... men are transformed into things and become appendices to the process of production and consumption."


No longer viewed as complete human beings (biological, psychological, sociological, cultural, sexual, economic), we are simply looked upon now as purely economic beings.  It is and will be through "economics" that everyone will be controlled.  If we haven't already, we will be asked to sell our souls for economic security.  And as quoted above, we will gladly lay our freedom at their feet and say "feed us, give us our TV, cell phones, etc. etc. etc."

And those of us who won't sell our souls, well ....
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on May 13, 2009, 08:25:45 AM

Our Advertisers Represent Some Of The Most Unique Products & Services On Earth!

They hid the cure to sell you more drugs!

How Much Time Do We Have?
By Adrian Salbuchi

A good doctor is one who will tell his patient what ails him, no matter how bad the news... A good doctor begins by making a correct diagnosis of his patient's condition. A bad doctor, however, either cannot make a proper diagnosis (because he lacks expertise) or, worst still, he hides the truth afrom his patient...
When a dread disease patient is told what he is suffering from, before actually accepting the envitable he first goes through the stages of disbelief and denial. There's disbelief when we hear the patient say "this is not right: the doctor's made a mistake!". But when the dignosis of his illness is confirmed, then in dispair he goes info full denial saying "Impossible! This can't be happening to me!!".
A good doctor helps his patient weather this painful process, guiding him towards acceptance of his predicament. Only then can the healing begin. Something similar happens - albeit more abstractly -, when the People are hit by social turmoil as a consequence of severe crises arising from what Carl G. Jung called "epidemics of the mind and soul".
Below, we address some key issues that we feel reflect the fact that a cycle is coming to an increasingly abrupt end in the whole world, even though the global media may be looking the other way (i.e., hiding the truth and generating smoke screens), most politicians hardly understand what is going on (on account of their ignorance), the bulk of the population in all countries see and feel this but cannot rationalize what's happening (disbelief), and some intelectuals may actually understand what's going on and where we're being dragged, but find it too hard to accept (i.e., denial).
In our communiqué No. 52 of October 3, 2008 dealing with the Global Financial "crisis" that had then just broken out, we said that there was no such "crisis". Rather, what began Monday, September 15, 2008 was the beginning of a terminal and irreversible collapse of the global financial system, which is part of a controlled Model through which other objetives will be achieved. Those objective go far beyond merely financial goals: rather, they seek to advance towards the next geopolitical stage in the "New World Order" (NWO). And this is nothing more and nothing less than the enthronement of a WORLD GOVERNMENT. At that time, we also described the NWO Elite's three basic "Plans", i.e.,:
- Plan "A" seeks to resolve the on-going financial "crisis" through merely financial measures. It's not working....
- Plan "B" will seek to resolve the "crisis" by a comprehensive overhaul of the global financial system, which among other factors will include introducing a New Dollar, backed by "foolproof" gold bullion. This will allow the global elites to transfer the bulk of Wall Street and European bankers' losses to other geographies (amongst them, China, which is one of the focus of present crisis, as well as Latin America), and
- Plan "C" that will seek to "kick the chessboard", so to speak, triggering a planetary war.
We believe that these three "Plans" are presently in different stages of implementation: Plan "A" is almost dead. Plans "B" and "C" are about to be activated. Let's see where we stand at present....
First, we must understand that "New World Order (NWO)" is not an actual "stage" in the global political structure but, rather, it's a generic term. Thus, we had several "New World Orders" over the past century:
- in 1919, when World War I ended and the Council on Foreign Relations (New York) and Royal Institute of International Affairs (London) were created, as geopolitical controlling and planning organizations bent on promoting Anglo-American-Zionist interests throughout the world.
- in 1945, when the Post-World War II Bipolar World was designed: i.e., Bretton Woods, Yalta, the UN, the "cold war".
- in 1991, after the USSR was thrown into the dust bin of History to make way for NWO "globalization", as announced by George HW Bush, Sr. (on 11-Sept.-1991!), and
- in 2008, when now ambiguous and dying "globalization" begins phasing out, to be replaced by something far more ambitous: an authoritarian and mandatory World Government, as announced in the London "Financial Times" on December8, 2008 by Gideon Rachman.
Today, we are undergoing the violent stage just prior to imposition of World Government. Amongst its goals:
- Disolution and destruction of all National Sovereignties (the demise of the Nation-State promoted by the CFR, Trilateral and Bilderbergers)
- The Twilight of the United States of America as the "indispensable" superpower (ergo, Obama was allowed into the Oval Office)
- Drastic depopulation of the world (pendemic hysteria)
- Total electronic surveillance and control of surviving citizenry (Psywar drills that increasingly lower people's resistance to inocculation), and
- Monolithic centralization and strict comprehensive control over politics, the economy, finance, the military, culture, the media, technology and even religious activities.
All of this CANNOT be achieved without war. Thus, Plan "C" has just been activated.
Over the past months, China has been looking at the US and the Wall Street parasites with an increasingly fixed and unblinking gaze... They want to know what is going to happen with the 1.7 Trillion Dollar-denominated Reserves that they are holding on to (some Washington observers call this "The Chinese Nuclear Bomb"). The US is not answering because they simply don't have any answer to give... Were China to make a "strong move" (such as changing their US Dollar-denominated Reserves into Euros on very short notice), the effect would lead to the collapse the US Dollar (for this Contingency they have Plan "B" as described).
Actually, one of the main sources of financing of American public deficits is, in fact, China which until recently had been soaking up huge tranches of American Public Debt (today these needs are running as high as u$s 170 billion a week!!).
The recent mysterious fly-over of Air Force One, low over Manhattan in New York City, triggering panic and the evacuation of the World Financial Center and other Manhattan skyscrapers, seems to be linked to this: it appears that Obama and some from his team had decided to meet with Trustees and representatives from China and other foreign powers to try to reach some agreement/solution. But Obama did not properly consult with "those upstairs who have the final say", who then decided otherwise and ordered Air Force One to land in Washington DC, doing that with a more than threaterning demeanor. Fearing the worst, the Air Force One pilot decided to protect his plane by having it "seen by millions" over the skies of New York City, in such a way that the two F16 fighter jets "escorting" him could do nothing "strange" (see the incredible low fly-by videos on YouTube). Later on, the missions of these foreign creditors of the US - Chinese included - were involved in a confussing shoot-out with FBI operatives that left several agents dead...
The State of Israel continues moving forward with its announced plans of unilateral attack on Iran. We have been informing about this for more than two years now. This will be a premeditated, unjustified, unilateral attack perpetrated by the State of Israel, the only country in the Middle East that wields Weapons of Mass Destruction - 400 nuclear artefacts ceded by the US -, and shows an unequivocable willingness to use them. Naturally, their excuse is Iran's nuclear program. The London "Times" newspaper, in its April 18,2009 edition informs that the Israeli Air Force is fully ready to attack and are only waiting to receive the green light from the new ultra-right wing Israeli primer minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his even more ultra-right wing foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, and the IDF high command (see article "Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites").
THAT will be the trigger for generalized war involving WMD's - biological, chemical and nuclear. Israeli sources say that they will attack Iran with or without the Obama Administration's green light, knowing full well that Zionist power in America is above any Administration, whether Democrat or Republican. Netanyahu will meet with Obama on May 18th. Either way, once Israel attacks and Iran retailiates, the Obama Administration will be FORCED by Zionist power structures in control of the US, to fight for them (see "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy", Stephen Walt & John Mearsheimer). This was just been ratified by "The Daily Telegraph" of 7th May. Alas, as former Malaysian prime minister Mohamed Mahatir declared in 2003, "Jews rule the world by proxy: they get others to fight and die for them."
This "Israeli Detonator" goes hand in hand with the repositioning of the US military along the lines suggested by Zbigniew Brzezinski's geopolitical strategic thought, which calls for the US detaching from the Iraqui mess and focusing on Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Taliban and the Caspian Sea oil fields. Afghanistan is in a horrific mess, with the Taliban having recovered the better part of that country.
Today, they stand a mere 160 kms from Islamabad, in Pakistan, which too is in a horrific crisis. US bombs fall on Afghanistan and Pakistan daily without their puppet governments doing anything about it. From their respective viewpoints and interests and with varying criteria and levels of alarm, Iran, Russia and China closely observe these threatening maneouvers (supplemented by NATO's dangerous encircling strategy against Russia in Poland and other parts of Europe). The three, however, recognize that they have the same adversaries: The US (for Russia and China), Israel and the US (for Iran). A truly explosive formula, but a necessrary risk for the NWO elite bent on enthroning World Government.
This ought to be a wake-up call for all countries around the world. Red lights should be blinking and alarm bells ringing in every nation, because World Government will not leave any country out; and any country not wanting to "voluntarily join" this World Government geared on US, UK and Israeli global interests, will be automatically branded a "Rogue State", "antidemocratic", "contrary to humanity", "anti-Semitic", and when that happens, we all know what comes next...
US and European banks are bankrupt, many major industries are bankrupt (Chrysler being the latest to fall), global insurers and reinsurers are technically broke, whilst most all financial institutions are technically unsound, at best, and unviable at worst.
First World Governments must bail out company after company. Yet more proof that, when left to its own dynamics, Extreme Capitalism leads to a Soviet-like system in which the State takes over corporations ("too large to fail", naturally) and runs the economy to protect the bankster Nomenklatura... Time and again, we see the same cycle: first come decades of privatizing huge profits which flow straight into the pockets of bankers, "investors", speculators and parasites of all sorts, types and shapes, and then when the whole System comes crashing down as happens now, the ensuing and predictable gigantic losses are socialized by way of government funded bail-outs with taypayer money, and irresponslble money printing to save those who should sit in jail. Everybody else is left high and dry, and on their own.
The US-Dollar has been technically hyperinflated, even though no one is saying "the king is nude!!"... Not yet, anyway... We now learn that recession in the US, Europe and Asia is "much worse than thought and expected", so say the experts... Millions loose their jobs and livelihood, millions loose their homes and assets, millions loose their pensions and life's savings, millions start taking to the streets: manifestations, "tea parties"... Social War... Reprisal and repression.
"Wall Street Inversor" Bernard Madoff (ex-president of NASDAQ y director of Yeshiva Univerrsity in Tel Aviv) has become a symbol of the white collar Banker Mega-fraud which is an integral part of the Extreme Capitalist system (using the Ponzi Scheme Pyramid as its basic model), with his 70 billion dollars stolen from other "investors" (ha!...they now seem to have fallen into a modern version of cannibalism, taking bites amongst themselves..!).
We should, however, be "kinder" to Bernie Madoff because he's taking all the blame and getting all the bad "Ponzi Schemer" headlines, whilst the the truth is that the ENTIRE global financial system is one vast Ponzi pyramid. This is how CitiCorp (William Rhodes, Robert Rubin), Bank of America, Goldman Sachs (Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner), Morgan Stanley, AIG (Maurice Greenberg) and most all other global banks and insurers operate all the time.
To get a better idea of what's really happening behind the scenes, take a look at Freddie Mac whose recently appointed 41 year old Chief Financial Officer David Kellermann "commited suicide". Russian intelligence sources, however, point to a more credible cause of death linked to the fact that Kellermann appeared to have discovered that Freddie Mac had syphoned over 50 billion dollars to Zionist and Israeli interests and organizations, and he was about to become a whistleblower going public with that explosive information... Bear in mind that when Freddie Mac collapsed late last year, one if its directors was Rahm Emanuel, today president Obama's dual-citizenship (Israeli and US) chief-of-staff, also suspected of being an Israeli Military Intelligence operative.
This would seem to be yet another smoke screen imposed on the world media's headlines, in order to keep the above dramatic events as much out of the front pages and newscasts, as possible. So far, there are only around 2000 H1N1 cases globally; of the 160 Mexican deaths originally reported by FoxNews a couple of weeks ago, we are now down to around 30... The same goes for the rest of the world. The media have gone into Hysteria Over-drive, generating what one major risk consultancy has labelled "pandemic hysteria", to the great joy of major Pharmaceutical Labs who are having near record sales of "Tamiflu" and other Influenza medications.
The NWO people were also able to test and assess results of their PsyWar Operations, geared on controlling large masses of people by instilling fear, so they can be willingly inocculated. Face masks, quarantines, mass vaccinations, cancelled flights, the whole circus of a global drill... as occured with the Bird Flu scare, back in 2004 and 2005 (whatever became of that??). At some point, they will no doubt let loose some synthetic "selective" virus which will target increasingly focused social groups and types (was HIV a precursor?), because one of the key objetives of World Government is to trigger intensive depopulation of the world, as recommended by Henry Kissinger's National Security Strategic Memoranum 200, back in 1974.
Finally, the seven issues we address above should not be seen as isolated and unconnected. Rather, they are inter-related and should be viewed holistically, as part of a much vaster strategy geared on imposing World Government, one way or another... Addressing these and other factors jointly, and projecting their medium- and long-term effects will allow us to begin to understand what is really happening in the world; which is a very different story than what we hear on CNN, FoxNews, the BBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, Daily Telegraph, ABC, CBS or NBC...
In short, the key question we must ask should become increasingly obvious to us all, everywhere: How much time do we have left? How much time do we really have in the US, in Europe, in Argentina, in the whole world?
You be the judge... you make your own choice. You can either be a Homer Simpson-like couch potato, zapping on your TV remote control, or... we can all start getting a grip on this whole disaster - no matter where each of us is - and start doing something about it....
Whatever we do, we had better start doing it fast! Argentine Second Republic Movement
Movimiento por la Segunda República Argentina (MSRA)
Adrian Salbuchi
1) Global Meltdown: What We Can and Should Do...
Part One:
Part Two:
2) Obama: Things Are Not Always What They Seem...
Part One:
Part Two:
3) The New World Order: Will It Be World Government?
Part One:
Part Two:
4) The Global Financial Collapse: Planned Implosion Model
Part One:
Part Two:
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Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: ScottA on May 13, 2009, 12:20:39 PM
Lots of hysterical rantings there. I think he's right on some things and wrong on others. I've been trying to figure out what the heck is going on for the past couple of years. I saw the comming financial crisis back in early 2007. At first I thought they simply intended to bring the American standard of living back to reality. Waste and overconsumption are out of control in this country and everyone knows it weather they want to admit it or not. But the more I've watched this unfold I am becomming convinced that the global warming bunch and the NWO bunch are one in the same bunch. The religion of the planet ie. love of the earth will be the new religion that they will use to impose the world government. Any state that refuses to go along with it will be demonized as a poluter a terrorist etc. to justify their destruction. Iran is being targeted now because they won't play the game. China and Russia are playing the game so far. He's right there will be a war, actualy several Iraq like actions to bring the rest in line.

So whats the end goal?
1. Reduction of the population to a level they actualy have a chance to control long term. The number 500 million has been tossed around and seems to make sense. If as they say that is the sustainable population level then the world has been over-populated since 1700. I have a hard time beliving that. 500 million seem like an easier number to control than 7 billion? I think this is the part that gives away their real intentions.
2. A new aristocrocy will be crowned with unchallenged power. Only they will have the high tech goodies that grant power. The rest will live hand to mouth under their complete control. The funny part is that many of those who are helping this along in government and media will be thrown to the wolves, literaly getting what they deserve.

Maybe I'm nuts but that's what I see comming. My guess we have maybe 20 years before the stuff hits the fan. It sounds far fetched but a simple study of history shows that this sort of thing has been happening on a smaller scale for thousands of years.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: pagan on May 14, 2009, 07:09:07 AM

Throw in the issue of peak oil and you see how there is no way without cheap artificial fertilizers and mechanized farm machinery that 6 to 7 billion people can survive on what's left of the arable land. 500 million sounds low to me, everything I've read says the number would be around 2 billion, but then that would be what the non-oil produced food supply could reasonably feed. If you're talking about controlling the population, which I think you are, then 500 million would be a better number. 500 million to service the few thousand in control.

My question would be...will those in power continue to grant the huddled masses the illusion of freedom and choice by supplying them with comforts and pretty little plastic pumpkins, or will those in power revert to the middle age schematic where the huddled masses are living in abject poverty with no ability to better their lives while they live in grotesque opulence?

Is it better to be free in Hell, or a slave in Heaven?

At least the choco rations are going up.  ???
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: ScottA on May 14, 2009, 11:14:56 AM
QuoteIs it better to be free in Hell, or a slave in Heaven?

That's a good question.

I should elaborate on what I said earlier. I don't feel they will succeed in the end but they will make one hell of a mess trying. In the end I think the same people who are pushing this agenda will end up attacking and killing each other. Just like the empires of old constantly fought wars of conquest.

I don't feel it's mans place assume that he knows best what is good for the race. It's pretty arrogant of anyone to think that they have the answers. Nature has been regulating populations for millions of years and nature is perfectly capable of controling man.

Anyone who tries to force population controls has another agenda I can assure you of that. Look for this climate change thing to turn into a religion in the next few years. Al Gore will put himself up as the new pope and anyone who doesn't like it will be attacked.

I think I'd opt for being a slave in heaven if it is infact heaven and not a guilded cage.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: pagan on May 14, 2009, 01:21:53 PM
The wanton avarice endemic with the wealthy will, naturally, cause them to feed upon one another when the huddled masses have been relegated to the neo-ghettos and are no longer a threat to their wealth or even joining their ranks as the nuovo-riche.

These are just the people who would be arrogant enough to believe they know better than nature, or thousands of years of human experience. And they are just the people to take us all down with their failed plans. Pretty much what's happening right now.

I don't know, I think I'd rather be free in Hell, but that's me. Of course, I might change my mind when I get there.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 15, 2009, 01:12:06 AM
Talking about this with my covert ops buddy tonight and he pretty well agrees with you, Scott - add the chemtrail/persistant contrails to their list of tools ... for?

We are thinking possible population control by attrition - lung diseases are increasing greatly along with all the rest of the crap going on... or possible aiding of so called global warming scam to fit into their new tax for carbon scheme.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: MountainDon on May 15, 2009, 12:50:01 PM
If anyone really believes there is a hidden government movement afoot to reduce population the place to begin would not be here in the USA. The place to begin would be in the countries with the highest birthrates.

Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: pagan on May 15, 2009, 01:27:08 PM
I would think the place to start would be the countries striving towards a western lifestyle, namely China and India.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: ScottA on May 15, 2009, 02:35:10 PM
It's not hidden Don and it's not the government that's pushing it it's these guys. (
There's nothing secret about their plans. They have been pushing this since the 1970's and the membership list looks like a who's who of the rich and powerful. Look into it a little.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: pagan on May 15, 2009, 02:40:07 PM
"In April 1968, a small international group of professionals from the fields of diplomacy, industry, academia and civil society met at a quiet villa in Rome. Invited by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish scientist Alexander King, they came together to discuss the dilemma of prevailing short-term thinking in international affairs and, in particular, the concerns regarding unlimited resource consumption in an increasingly interdependent world."

From The Club of Rome website.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Sassy on May 16, 2009, 12:32:06 PM
Anyone checked out the Georgia Guidestones & the 10 Commandments for the Earth Charter (UN Agenda 21)
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2009, 12:56:56 PM
Bill Gates - population control -

Billionaire Boys Club
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on May 18, 2009, 11:54:24 AM

World Government: Accept or Resist ?

Part 1

Part 2
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: ScottA on May 18, 2009, 12:38:08 PM
Supose there where a revolution. Who or what would fill the power vacume? No matter who wins someone will assume power and how does anyone know that new power will be any better than the old? As a perfect example lets look at Obama. He was elected on a platform of positive change. He promised to clean up the government and restore the rule of law etc. Only a little over 100 days in and we can all see he lied to get elected. If you see what I'm seeing then it's clear that simply getting rid of what we have now and replacing it with something else most likely won't fix anything. What we really need is individual sovreignty and only the most basic framework of moral laws. But that would mean an end to huge corperations and global systems. A pretty expensive trade. 
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: pagan on May 20, 2009, 08:08:10 AM

I think the problem with government is anybody we're presented with as a choice is selected by those in power. How many presidents have come from Yale and Harvard? What does that really give us as a choice? Politicians present us with a simple dog and pony show to distract us from what they're really doing and who is really in charge. There are people who can see this, but when you're faced with voting against millions of nimrods, how important is your enlightened vote?
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 24, 2009, 11:01:09 PM
New meeting to rid the world of useless eaters...
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 24, 2009, 11:37:03 PM
I think the trick is to make the elected jobs in Washington a job that you have to want to do, like being a teacher.  People don't become teachers because they want to get rich, they do it because they love or want to teach.  We have created an exclusive club in Washington that once you become a member, you get extra perks.  You get a special job with a think tank afterwards, or you become a lobbyist because you have access to the people in charge.

I believe a simple term limit of not more than 6 years is in order.  That way, every 6 years, we have a fresh group of minds who want to serve their respective population and aren't worried about being re-elected.  I think there should be a few new laws that are worthwhile instead of the millions we have now.  Let's make it illegal for someone who was once a representative, senator, or president to lobby, assist in lobbying, or work for a company for the purpose of lobbying.  In addition, make sure they can't hold another position in which a "career in gov't" is possible.  I think these long term gov't careers is what is killing us.  They are completely self serving and could care less about their people back home until time comes to be re-elected.  Then they just tell us what we want to hear.  How about taking the "gov't career" off the table and let them work for the people.  I, for one, would love to run a 6 year term in Washington.  Since I only want to make things simpler and remove a ton of laws, I would be able to do my part and not have to suck up to anyone for the purposes on being on some committee.

Chem-trails?  Come on Glenn......  Dude,,, it's water vapor!!!! :)
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Sassy on May 25, 2009, 12:08:35 AM
Hey, Phalynx, check out the links on this thread
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 25, 2009, 12:12:53 AM
Water vapor - yeah right.  Whitlock said he figured it out.  His new theory --- it's in all jet fuel..... [waiting]

Just at that moment I called his attention to the jet overhead - it was not leaving a chemtrail -- just a normal properly dissipating  vapor trail.  I said, then why isn't that one leaving a trail?  He is back to the drawing board I think.

Phalynx, dude, your ideas are great and would likely get you assassinated if you were by some odd chance able to implement them.  You must remember that our politicians for the most part come from a long line of criminals and they know how to deal with people who mess with their parasitic blood slurping. [crz]
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 25, 2009, 12:57:01 AM
Water vapor......  Why one and not the other?  Why one disappears and the other lingers?  One word...  Altitude.  1000' (which is the standard offset of aviation traffic patterns) can be a complete difference in temp, pressure, humidity, etc.. 

I like my ideas..  I should run for congress.....  nah,  I'd be a thorn not welcome in their fingernails.

Sassy,  I just read through that thread and then read through the link to Contrails, killing us....

The author is very misleading.  She believes what she is told and doesn't apply some simple facts to the process.  She shows a picture of a "C-130 spraying cloverleaf", except, it isn't a C-130, it is a commercial boeing 767 with vapor trails coming from the engines.
She talks about the "criss-cross patterns" in the sky.  These are easily explained by the fact that airplanes fly at different altitudes and a plane flying the same direction 3,000 feet above another plane will look, at a distance as if they were flying side by side when they were stacked.  The perpendicular plane patterns occur because of another aviation fact.  Commercial airliners have to fly by transponders and not direct flight paths.  Each plane has to fly from a transponder to another transponder.  By doing so, they all fly in relatively straight lines from one to the other.  A plane flying North/South would fly perpendicular to an East/West flight over the transponder.  If your home is located close to a transponder, you will see the perpendicular flight pattern much more readily than someone who doesn't have a transponder nearby.  As someone who has studied aviation for most of his life, I can tell you it's water vapor, aka clouds.  Now, fair enough, my credentials are no more authoritative than anyone elses.  So its fair to dismiss my case as I dismissed hers.  I just hope that I explained it well enough to make people understand what they are looking at. 

Could the gov't spray us?  mmmm, maybe.. 
Are they?  I don't know and can't prove they have or haven't.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: glenn kangiser on May 25, 2009, 01:16:49 AM
I understand altitude.  I'm a pilot. 

I also understand that ice crystals from water vapor either dissipate shortly or sublimate turning directly back into a gas without turning into a liquid.   In either case they do not linger, spread and completely cover the sky with white solid clouds.

If you must insist that they are caused by the jet fuel and it covers the sky then we have a serious pollution problem that must be dealt with immediately.  Even that could kill some of us. 
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 25, 2009, 01:29:00 AM
They aren't caused by the jet fuel, they are caused by the heat.  Think of a blue flame heater.  You run one in your house and all of the sudden, you have a serious moisture problem.  Why?  The high heat output of the blue flame causes it.  The same is true with a jet engine.  The extreme high heat out of the back mixing with the natural atmosphere causes the same thing as a high pressure and a low pressure fronts colliding,,,  massive clouds of water vapor. 

Jet engines are serious polluters.  This is true,,  but, so far, no amount of man made pollution has ever compared with a simple volcanic explosion for "pollution" in the air.
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on May 25, 2009, 09:52:41 AM


I don't want to waste a lot of time on this

but Glenn is correct

I am a pilot also

I also have over a million miles comercial on just one carrier

the persistent contrails we have had for the last 10 to 15 years  that spread and last for hours are not regular contrails

These types of persistent contrails categorically did not exist in the early 80's when I was on a comercail flight on average 2 or 3 days a week

I have seen these abnormal persistent contrails in the air at 35,000 feet in many different parts of the world (but curiously never saw one at all in Taiwan in 12 days)

I have witnessed these contrails stop and restart after a few seconds on the same aircraft (and no pilots do not shut off their engines for 'fun')

also your explaination of traffic patterns is completely bogus -- you meant VOR's I think not transponders

It also has been reported on mainstream news that high amounts of Barium has been found in rainwater

Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Sassy on May 25, 2009, 11:05:49 AM
Phalynx, did you check out any of the links on the CP thread I posted?  There are some legitimate articles, even "Bills" by our gov't on weather manipulation.  Kucinich had a bill a year or 2 ago that mentioned "chemtrails" specifically.  A few months later the word "chemtrail" was taken out of the bill. 

Barium is one of the main addititives to jet fuel, another is aluminum to help with reflectivity & the worldwide radar system - it also helps HAARP.  There's lots of info on off-topics if you dare to read anyof it, on HAARP.  There are many of these types of set-ups around the world, but I think HAARP may be the largest - though I could be wrong - it's in Alaska.  The Soviets had "Woodpecker" way back in the 60's or 70's.  This is all posted on CP in various threads so I'm not going to re-state all the info.  Some people don't even want to dare to read up on a topic that they've already shut their mind to & decided it is "tin hat" so I've just about given up trying to post anything...  a lot of you will be glad, I'm sure, as it shakes up people's world view.  But those same people are going to be pretty shocked when it all falls down on them.

Salbuchi is one of the few who has the guts to really tell it like it is - many in the USA are still relatively isolated - especially those who have had the foresight to become more independent - which the CP members seem to be.  With Obama preaching "preventive detention," Bush already got rid of Habeas Corpus & Posse Commitatus... those who have home Bible studies in their homes are being told to cease & desist until they get a "major use permit" which would require traffic, environmental etc etc studies .  Those that go on campus to share the gospel of Jesus Christ are arrested , while the homosexual crowd can have extremely lewd parades & the people cheer...  any other religion can speak freely & there's no problem, the "environmental religion" is encouraged, no problem - Gaia, "Mother Earth" that leads us to population control &  Pro-abortionists can march, can have booths on campus, can teach their beliefs in school but let someone protest & be pro-life & they are arrested under RICO laws...  seems like there's some kinda agenda, IMHO. 

Since 911, there's been a drastic change in laws or I should say, a major move away from the Constitution & Bill of Rights.  That may be ok with some of you, but it's certainly not ok with me.  But then, the USA has been rather blessed & spoiled & maybe we are in for a great shaking - Republics don't seem to last that long - we aren't even a real democracy anymore - I'm just glad I know Whom I believe in & am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed until that Day... 
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 25, 2009, 11:11:58 AM
Windpower, VOR's is the correct term, sorry, got the name wrong.  The process is still the same.  You still fly VOR to VOR.

Also, in respect to start and stopping of contrails at will, that is absolutely explained by the normal differences in the atmosphere.  This is why a cloud exists in one spot and 100' further, it doesn't.  This is why there is a large bank of clouds that roll in with a cold front into a warm front and yet, in front of that cloud bank, there is no clouds.

Clearly, commercial pilots don't turn their engines off for fun.  I doubt you were pushing a top secret button to deploy mist either.

The problem with the whole "thinning the population" or keeping people sick, etc... is that if it were true, it would also affect those in Washington, and those who are "making the decision to spray the population".  Since we don't see high ranking officials in gas masks, it is extremely unlikely.

But, it's still good to have conversations, debates, discussions on all of this.  Keeps our debate skills up. :)
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 25, 2009, 11:18:59 AM
Sassy, I read it.  There isn't anything conclusive in any of the reading.  As for all the laws, I don't care for them one bit.  I am a strict Constitutionalist.  The gov't isn't supposed to be doing any of this carp.....  I just want to be left alone and they won't leave me alone.. :(
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on May 25, 2009, 12:17:04 PM
"Windpower, VOR's is the correct term, sorry, got the name wrong.  The process is still the same.  You still fly VOR to VOR"

Except when they fly direct via GPS

VOR intersections rarely are at right angles

"Also, in respect to start and stopping of contrails at will, that is absolutely explained by the normal differences in the atmosphere.  This is why a cloud exists in one spot and 100' further, it doesn't.  This is why there is a large bank of clouds that roll in with a cold front into a warm front and yet, in front of that cloud bank, there is no clouds."

This is complete nonsense
Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 25, 2009, 03:16:14 PM
The FAA does not use GPS flight planning on commercial airlines.  They have been trying to use it for years but Air Traffic Controllers don't have the equipment for it.  All commercial airliners have GPS for exact  coordinates but are still required to follow VOR flight paths.  That is extremely easy to verify.  Talk to a controller, talk to the FAA, look at the past 10 years of FAA proposals to update the ATC systems.

As far as vapor.....   Ever start you gasoline engine on a cold morning and see all of the "contrails" pour out of your exhaust pipe?  Having worked for years at a refinery that processes, ine's and ane;s, (gasoline, kersosene, etc...) I can absolutely tell you that there are no questionable additives being added at the refineries.  It's strictly regulated, controlled, and inspected.

Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: Windpower on May 25, 2009, 04:40:29 PM

FAA Certifies Boeing FANS-1 Navigation System

SEATTLE, June 20, 1995 -- A new air traffic management system on Boeing 747- 400s, that can potentially save airlines billions of dollars by improving airway congestion, reducing delays and optimizing flight plans, has received flight certification approval from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The new standard -- Future Air Navigation System 1 (FANS-1) -- allows the 747-400 to make primary use of Global Satellite Positioning System (GPS) equipment for navigation and a datalink system which uses VHF radio or satellites to communicate with air traffic controllers.

As a flight management system computer upgrade, FANS-1 provides accurate automatic position reports anywhere in the world. The communication enhancements also will allow a two-way data link between air traffic controllers and the flight crew.

This will allow a significant reduction in the current mandatory separation between aircraft, permitting them to fly more direct and fuel-efficient routes, especially over oceans. In-flight course adjustments and prompt clearances via two-way data link will enable pilots to seek the most cost- effective routes.

more here

Title: Re: A Salbuchi: but wait there's more......the privatization of power
Post by: phalynx on May 25, 2009, 05:16:41 PM
And yet, less than 1 year ago, the FAA announced that they will now move to support the GPS navigation system for air traffic controllers.

Navigation Services
Updated: 9:53 am ET September 9, 2008

Global Navigation Satellite Systems

The FAA Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Program Office provides satellite (GPS) based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services in the United States to enable performance-based (RNP/RNAV) operations for all phases of flight from en route, terminal, approach, and surface navigation. PNT services are an essential enabler required to overcome the deficiencies in today's air traffic infrastructure and support implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation (NEXTGEN) system for the United States' National Airspace System (NAS). The FAA's plan to provide PNT services requires implementation of two GPS augmentation systems, the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) and the Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS). Both systems improve the accuracy, availability, and integrity needed to support continuous all-weather use of GPS as a primary means of navigation and automated dependent surveillance (ADS-B) within the NAS.

The GNSS Team, along with other FAA organizations and numerous governmental and non-governmental agencies, are all supporting a smooth transition to satellite navigation. Visit us and see what's new. (

As I stated, commercial airliners have had GPS for years to report their exact position.  They are still required to fly old flight plans.  Your article states that very thing.  It reports position only.