Headers for 2x6 walls

Started by melwynnd, July 06, 2006, 12:28:12 PM

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We got our floor done ;D and are ready to start on the walls.  But a question has come up.  How do we space the 2x8 headers for our 2x6 wall :-?.  All we can find information on is the 2x4 walls where you just use a piece of plywood.



Good things come in small packages!!


This is the way we did 2 X 6 headers . . .
    . . . said the focus was safety, not filling town coffers with permit money . . .

John Raabe

The diagram above will give you the advantage of solid nailing on both sides. You can also double up on one side only and have the foam block on the other. Most builders doing this will leave the solid header on the inside for drapery hardware to anchor.
None of us are as smart as all of us.