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Off Topic => Off Topic - Ideas, humor, inspiration => Topic started by: bayviewps on January 21, 2007, 09:01:42 PM

Title: "Short List" - Things to Worry About
Post by: bayviewps on January 21, 2007, 09:01:42 PM
   Here is my "Short List" of things to worry about today:

- Federal Reserve, International Banking, IRS, . . .
- Patriot Act, Homeland Security, FEMA, Echelon Surveillance, . . .
- Jihad, Osama Bin Laden, Muslims on Airplanes, WMDs, Terror Alerts, . . .  
- North Korea, Iran, China, . . .
- Martial Law, Executive Orders,
- CIA, Black Ops, Unmarked Helicopters, Area 51, . . .
- Corporate Fraud, Enron, Haliburton, . . .
- Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights, Individual Rights, . . .
- Political Correctness, . . .
- Counterfeit Money, "Super Notes", Federal Reserve Notes, European Exchange Rates, . . .
- Peak Oil, Energy Conservation, Pollution, Land Fills, . . .
- Democracy or a Republic, . . .
- Nafta, Super Highway, . . .
- Illegal Immigration, INS, Citizenship, Anchor Babies, Alien Welfare,  . . .
- Mysterious Diseases - Aids, Morgellons, Mad Cow, . . .
- Small Pox, West Nile, Bird Flu, Anthrax, . . .
- MSG, Fluoride, Aspartame Poisoning, . . .
- War on Terror, 911 Conspiracy, WTC (Demolition?), Oklahoma City, . . .
- London Bombing, Madrid Railroad Bombing, . . .  
- Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, . . .  
- Weather Modification, Chemtrails, HAARP, Global Warming, . . .
- Depleted Uranium, Radiation, Nuclear Power, . . .
- Communism, Socialism, Dictatorship, . . .
- Council on Foreign Relations, Globalism, One World Government,  . . .  
- New World Order, Freemasons, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Bilderbergers, . . .
- JFK Assassination, Wellstone Plane Crash, Flight 800, . . .
- Inflation, Consumer Prices, Real Estate Foreclosures, Stock Exchange, Gold Prices, . . .
- Medical / Dental Expenses, Vaccines, Medical Malpractice, . . .  
- War on Drugs, Surpressed Science, Pharmaceutical Companies, Cancer Cures, . . .
- Gun Control - Second Amendment Rights, Privacy Invasion, RFIDs (Spy Chips), . . .
- ATF. Ruby Ridge, Waco, . . .
- Weather, Flooding, Yellowstone Super Eruption, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, . . .
- Education Reform (Lack Of), Impartial Media Reporting, . . .
- NASA, Roswell, Crop Circles, Faked Moon Landings, UFO's,  . . .
- Alcohol, Cigarette, Taxes, ($4.00 a Pack Cigarettes, $3.00 Beers, $3.50 - $5.00 Mixed Drinks)
- Fuel, Real Estate, State Income, Etc. Taxes . . .  
- The Poor, Malnourished, Homeless, . . .
- Cell Phone Radiation, . . .

  And when I thought I could fall back on my religion, there are these:

- Vatican Conspiracies, DaVinci Code, Pedeophiles, Pornography, Islamic Extremism, . . .
- National ID - (Mark of the Beast).
- Cults, Satanic Rituals,  . . .

  But my biggest problem today:

- Wobbling barstool keeps spilling my drink.  

  NO, I'm not moving to another barstool, dammit!   ;)
Title: Re: "Short List" - Things to Worry About
Post by: bayviewps on January 21, 2007, 09:32:56 PM
- Went to pay my bar tab, and my credit card is maxed out!  
- Oh well, just another victim of Identity Theft.  ;)
Title: Re: "Short List" - Things to Worry About
Post by: glenn-k on January 21, 2007, 09:47:10 PM
Well, you missed a few but that's a good start. :)