Wall Plugin for SketchUp

Started by Medeek, March 05, 2017, 12:03:48 AM

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Version 0.9.9e - 11.08.2018
- Removed all advertising banners from the global settings.
- Fixed a bug (metric) for window and door grilles in the global settings.

Note that this is a critical fix for Windows 10 and Mac users.  The intermittent response times of the google ads was causing issues for the HTML menu pages of the global settings so I decided to completely remove all advertisements.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I had a request yesterday for multiple rows of blocking/nogging.  A typical example might be a 12 ft. wall with a row of blocking every 4 ft.:

My idea on this is to add two additional parameters to the blocking module/UI:

Number of Rows: 1,2,3 or 4
Row Spacing:  inches or mm

The vertical parameter that already exists will position the first row vertically in the wall and then the next rows of blocking will be arrayed upward by the row spacing and number of rows.

For now I am omitting blocking over and under opening but that will probably need to change with multiple rows of blocking.

Multiple rows of blocks is going to get a bit heavy in the model but you have to give people what they want.

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9f - 11.08.2018
- Added two additional parameters for mid-span blocking to enable multiple rows of blocking in a wall panel.
- Added two parameters (number of rows, row spacing) for blocking into the Walls tab of the global settings.

There may be an issue with previously created wall presets due to the addition of more parameters to the wall panel dictionary module.  The number of parameters now stored for a preset is 97.

I am also wondering if anyone would be interested in having me publish the attribute library for the wall panels.  This would allow other developers to potentially access and modify the Medeek wall panels with their own plugins or have their plugins interact with the Wall plugin.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9g - 10.30.2018 thru 11.09.2018
- Added the Australian/New Zealand I-Beam (Universal Beam - UB) as another steel beam option in the beam module.  (27 different sizes)

I also spent some time cleaning up this module a bit today and tightening things up.  It's amazing how you are able to condense your code when you spend a few minutes and really work at it.

I've also made it much easier to add in new schedules/lists of different beam types and sizes.  I still need to add in many more beam sizes for the metric world (or just make it completely open ended so the user can define their own sizes).
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9h - 11.10.2018
- Added hollow structural section beams (HSS) to the beam module.

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9i - 11.10.2018
- Added angle iron (L) beams to the beam module.
- Added fillet radiuses to wide flange (W) and universal (UB) beams.

Nine different beam types with two series of wide flange beams (W and UB).

Aside from residential structures one could also use the beam module to create various structural steel assemblies, however that is not really the purpose or target audience for this module.

I added the fillets to the wide flange profiles per customer requests.  The primary reason for including this information it to better predict and check bolt patterns that are on the web of the beam(s).  Fillet radiuses are per the various standards.

I haven't take the time yet to add in the few hundred standard sizes from my steel manual but as time allows I will continue to populate these fields.  Also if there is specific requests for sizes or series of beam types I will accommodate those requests.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Currently in the plugin I have only implemented the California Corner (as we Americans call it) or Energy Corner for corner treatment however there are number of ways to handle corners.


I have been requested by a potential client to enable the following corner type: "Solid corner with short blocks".  For a deeper wall sometimes two rows of blocks are used (2x6 wall) rather than one.

I can implement the solid corner however I need some more information:

1.)  If you use blocking rather than a full stud how do you determine the length of the blocks and the number of blocks in a given wall height?  Is there any rule of thumb with this?  I just need to come up with a reasonable algorithm.

2.)  Is the blocking typically the same dimensional lumber as the studs?
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


For wall corners I will be adding in the following additional corner treatments:

- 3 Stud Solid
- 4 Stud Solid
- 3 Stud Block
- 4 Stud Block

When the user sets the number of studs for the corner on anything other than one, that setting will override the corner treatment for the above corner treatment types.  However this is not the case for the California corner (however I may change it in the future if it makes sense to).

These algorithm can get a bit complicated due to the number of permutations possible when you start mixing up corner treatments and multi-stud corners for shearwalls.

The problem I find with California Corners is that it does not provide very good backing for ext. outside corners when it comes to siding and trim.  However it certainly is better for insulation and much easier on the electricians.

There does not seem to be any hard and fast rule on the length of blocks used but it seems to average between 12"  to 14", so I will set my algorithm to a max. block length of 14" .  So for example a 96" wall will have four blocks at 13.714".
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9j - 11.13.2018
- Added the following corner treatments: 3 Stud Solid, 4 Stud Solid, 3 Stud Block, 4 Stud Block, U-Cal
- Enabled a parameter in the General tab of the global settings to toggle the labeling of groups.

I also addressed some minor issues with the way blocking and insulation interact with the corner treatments.  Its seems I have that ironed out now and much less likely to generate geometry that clashes. 

I don't know how commonly the U-shape California Corner (U-Cal) is used (shown above) but I really like the fact that it offers more nailing surface for ext. trim and siding.  I've had a few requests for it as well, so being as it was not too hard to include I added it in.  There are now seven possible corner treatments for walls, the other two are California or None.

I typically like to name all of the groups I create within the assemblies however there may be some who do not want this behaviour and so I have made it optional.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9k - 11.15.2018
- Added the ability to import materials directly from the model within the Custom Material Libary/Manager in the global settings.
- Provided an additional parameter in the Wall Corners tab of the global settings for setting the thickness of corner blocking (3 and 4 Stud Block corner treatment only).

With this latest update the tutorial on the Material Manager is somewhat out-of-date/obsolete.  However the basic functionality has not changed, I've really only added one additional action.

The ability to customize the blocking on these corner treatments was per a request from one of our Australian clients.  I've added a tooltip in the global settings to more fully explain the usage of this parameter.

Now back to the big items on the list.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Per customer request the available sizes of Wide Flange Steel Beams will be increased to the following:








Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9l - 11.16.2018
- Added an option to include 2D wall geometry in 3D modes (Framing, No Framing, CMU).
- Added an additional layer for 2D geometry.
- Added customizable colors for labels, 2D wall geometry, and 2D features (windows, doors, columns etc...)

The custom colors for the labels, and 2D geometry is per a discussion with a client today.  Hopefully this upgrade will help facilitate bringing the 2D geometry into layout for creating floor plans.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


On a related note I just noticed John Brock's new book has been released:


I think this will be a seminal work on incorporating SketchUp into the residential design process.  I've already gone ahead an pre-ordered my copy. 
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


First look at the output of the Stair Module:

Note, that only straight runs of stairs will be available for now, however it is possible to create L and U shaped staircases just by combining straight runs as shown and framing in a landing.

View model here:


I will probably need one more day to fine tune it completely and finish adding in the hanger board and landing tread advanced options.

Future advanced options will be landings, hand rails, skirt boards etc...

The stringer algorithm is really the core of the module and drives everything else.  The logic was not nearly as complex as I initially thought it might be, regardless it was a blast to work through it and turn the math into reality.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Had to jump through a few hoops to get the materials/textures to all work out correctly but I'm pretty pleased with the way its coming together:

LVL stringers with timber (wood grain) risers and treads.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9m - 11.21.2018
- Added the stair module (straight run only) with the following advanced options: thrust block, landing tread, hanger board.

Hanger Board and Landing Tread:

Landing Tread:

There are quite a few options with the stair module so I will need to make another tutorial video explaining the usage of these parameters.  I have provided tool tips next to each option in the draw and edit menus to help explain what each is.

A few items with the draw tool:

1.)  First select the top of the stairs location and then select a point for the bottom of the stairs.  The preview wireframe should be fairly explanatory as to the location and geometry of the stairs that will be created.

2.)  Once the first point is selected you can lock to an orthogonal axis (0, 45, 90, 135 deg.) or direction by repeatedly clicking the "Ctrl" key.

3.)  Once the first point is selected you can also toggle the placement of the stairs by repeatedly clicking the down arrow.  The justification is:  Center, Left, or Right.

4.)  As with the other HTML draw menus, you update/change your parameters and then click the Update button to make them live.  You can leave the menu open while drawing your stairs.  Hitting the space bar will exit the tool, hitting the ESC key will reset the tool.

With the draw and edit menus you will notice that for the tread and riser material you also have the option of utilizing materials found in your custom library.  The stringer material is limited to certain specific material types (at least for now).

This is a completely new module so I expect there may be some minor issues and additional features that will be requested.

I still need to create the global settings tab for the stairs so that default parameters can be set for each option.  However, it is not critical to the function of the module.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


After some excellent feedback this morning I am considering adding in additional options for side spacers, gypsum gap, and skirt boards.

Everything is fairly straight forward except for the skirt boards.  The question arises on how to best terminate the skirt, see image below:

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I'm not sure if my scribbling is readable but the bottom diagrams try to explain possible configurations and parameters for the skirt board(s):

I think I can reduce the skirt board configuration down to three parameters:

- Terminal Height Top
- Terminal Length Top
- Terminal Height Bottom
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


The diagrams were not very legible so I created a few details to explain the skirt board end configurations:

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Some feedback with regards to additional height requirements if a finished floor is installed has introduced some complications.  I have given this some extra thought and my observations are thus:

1.)  Where wall-to-wall carpet is being installed the way I have it laid out seems to be correct.

2.)  The first point you select to position the stairs is the "Finished Floor" height.  So if you need an extra 3/4" for a tile or wood flooring you would select a point that is 3/4" higher than the sub-floor.  However, if the skirt boards are supposed to be installed prior to the final flooring then this would not be quite correct since they (their horizontal cut) would need drop 3/4" so that they meet the top landings subfloor.

3.)  Similar sort of issue at the bottom of the stairs but slightly different.  In this case the stringers will rest on the sub-floor, the bottom tread needs an extra 3/4" of rise, and the skirt boards will probably rest on the sub-floor/slab as well. 

Question:  Will the skirt boards always rest on the sub-floor or should they rest on the finished floor?

Conclusion:  I need to add two extra parameters to the module to account for an additional thickness due to finished floors being installed.  Since the finished floor on each level may be a different height (or carpet) we need a separate parameter for top and bottom.  If I include a finished floor offset, the correct way to select the points for the stairs would be sub-floor to sub-floor.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


My skirts go in after finish flooring, which may be different on each level. Also the landing is usually 3/4" flooring in a U or L set where the treads are 1". I generally glue and nail 3/4" ply to the treads and risers to form permanent subtreads and risers. This helps stiffen the stringers, provides temp stairs and allows me to glue and screw the finished treads and risers from the backside, not sure if that is done enough to matter.


The highlighted yellow areas are the new additions to the stair menus (draw/edit):

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Quote from: Don_P on November 23, 2018, 04:32:11 PM
My skirts go in after finish flooring, which may be different on each level. Also the landing is usually 3/4" flooring in a U or L set where the treads are 1". I generally glue and nail 3/4" ply to the treads and risers to form permanent subtreads and risers. This helps stiffen the stringers, provides temp stairs and allows me to glue and screw the finished treads and risers from the backside, not sure if that is done enough to matter.

There seems to be quite a bit of variation among construction professionals on whether to install the skirt boards on the finish floor or on the sub-floor.  However the trend seems to be on the finished floor.  To allow for flexibility I've created two additional parameters to offset the skirt boards above the sub-floor as required.

Stairs are complicated.  I haven't even started looking at railing or other more complex configurations.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Here is a situation where the finished floor is 2" off of the bottom sub-floor (slab):

Note that the riser heights are correct and that the bottom riser has an additional 2" added to its height.  The question I have is what to do with the riser board itself on this bottom tread?

I've shown it in the configuration where the finished floor can be applied underneath the riser board however is it more common just to extend the riser board to the bottom of the stringer so that it rests on the sub-floor or slab?
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


That's getting back to personal preference on order of assembly. I apply finish treads and risers after finish floors. On one that is wrapping up now the stairway was roughed in for construction, then drywall on the upper walls, finish floors, wainscot, skirts, finish treads and risers, rails.

The open side of the stair there rises a few inches above the nose of the treads with the rails on that short wall, it can terminate below or under the stair carriage or rise up to form a guard as well. If there is a traditional newel at the foot of the run I try to make provision to take it down into the floor framing and blocking below to firmly anchor its base, that post takes a lot of abuse on a long lever.