Our best links for how to build and design small homes and
Step by step instructions on building a 10' x 14' flat roofed cabin. Click
House Plans Kit.
Plans for building three sizes of small simple buildings using a no-concrete
foundation. Click
cabin plans.
A 14' x 36' owner built cabin. Click
How to build a small cabin in a cold climate - click
Building a wilderness cabin in Eastern Washington - click
How to plan a solar home -
Grandfather cottage - a small one-story home plan.
Our best links for where to stay on Whidbey Island.
Click on
Inglewood Haven to visit a small bed and breakfast Inn up
in the trees outside Langley, WA.
Click on
Victoria's to see a great little two unit bed and breakfast
inn right in Langley on Whidbey Island.
Our best links for Builders and Home Designers on Whidbey
here to visit Vision Works by Deb Asplund a woman-owned
design office in Freeland, WA.
Richard Epstein is one of the best builders on Whidbey Island. You can tour
his homes
John Raabe has been designing energy efficient homes, cottages and cabins
for over 20 years. Click here to learn about
John Raabe's Country Plans LLC.
The homes designed by Richard H. Rhydes, Architect fit very well with Whidbey
Island. Visit his work