LED Lights For Super Efficient Electric Usage

Some of the options - small lights are ganged together to make larger and brighter modules.

Some of the options - small lights are ganged together to make larger and brighter modules.

LEDs are replacing incandescent and even CFL bulbs where power is expensive (for instance, from batteries or solar panels). They can be powered by either AC or DC and, while more costly, can be the perfect solution for the right high-efficiency lighting need. In some cases where the cost of changing bulbs is high (stop lights for instance) the greatly extended lifetime is enough to make them cost effective now.

Here is a good product overview from an online catalog:


Below is a PDF article that tested light output from the three options (incandescent, florescent and LED). Note: may take a minute to download on dial-up connections.


One of the most efficient uses for LED lights is in flashlights where long battery life is especially appreciated. 10 years from now the only filament flashlights to be found will be offered as nostalgia or collectible items on EBay!

LED flashlights on EBay: http://tinyurl.com/bys83

And just for fun.... Here is another PDF article on a simple solar panel setup that provides 12 DC power for such lights. The fellow in the article is powering an RV, but the needs are similar for a simple off-grid structure. This is easy to implement solar electricity.
