John Raabe's

The Little House Plans Kit
   Complete working plans let you customize your own small house

The Little House Plans Kit lets you use simple cut and paste techniques to customize plans for your house. Here are some of the houses you can design. Each of these houses could be one of several different sizes.
Little House with flat or low slope shed roof.

This is the little house we built. The roof is as easy to build as the floor. It also becomes a walking deck for great views.

Little House with high slope gable roof.

You can use either simple manufactured trusses (very easy to install), or 2x6 rafters. Rafters would give you a high open ceiling on the interior and perhaps a small loft over part of the house. The porch deck can be adjusted to almost any size.

Little House with gable roof and shed over a front porch.

You could also add a room at the back with a second shed roof similar to the porch. The possibilities for combining these simple shapes are nearly endless.

Can you run a copy machine and a pair of scissors? Then you already know how to design your own small house! Just chose the options and sizes you want and tape them down to the customized master sheets included in the kit. Master sheets are the working drawing pages you use for your drawing set. Your small house plans can then be copied as many times as you need at any local copy shop..

You can even make a model of your customized small house. Glue your copied drawings down on cardboard and cut out the windows. This gives you a dynamic study model to take out to the site. Because you can look out the windows and turn the house, your model will let you fine tune window placement and check out the views and sunlight angles before you start construction. (Tip, bring along a small dental mirror.)

When you order the Little House Plans Kit you get full detailed information on how to design, build and modify your own small house. These include:

  • Floor plans, foundation plans, elevations, cross-sections, and details as needed to build three small houses 10'x14', 12'x18' and 14'x24'. By assembling different details into your final plan set you can modify the house and roof shape to your specific needs.You can choose to build the house with a flat or gable roof, or you could combine small house elements in various add-on combinations.
  • A door and window sheet allows you to customize the window and door layouts on the plans and elevations.
  • A special construction report details the building of: the post and pier foundation and the different roof options.
  • A step by step construction checklist makes sure things are done in the right order.
  • The Little House Plans can also be modified with a inexpensive computer program that allows you to import a template file. You can then print out your floor plans and elevations and tape them into the construction plans. See this report from our sister site

Click here for the Order Form

John C. Raabe
Country Plans LLC
5010 Inglewood Dr.
Langley, WA 98260 Home