Layout Tips for Your Site & Buildings

Start with the general & move towards the specific.
Plan the site first and the house will follow.

Site Layout:
Get a survey map of your property from the real estate agent or property tax office. Blow it up to some known scale with a zoom copier. (see How to Use a Copier as your Draftsman.) This will be the start of your site plan. You can lay a piece of tracing paper over this for your layout sketch.

  • Choose the right building site before you buy your property (see Finding the Right Site).
  • What is the "ring of civilization" you will clear and maintain for your house and yard? Draw this in (you can adjust it later).
  • Where does the road or driveway come into the property? Draw a 12' wide road to your cleared building site. Make it an interesting drive if you can.
  • Show where power, water, sewer, septic, phone or any other services lines are located and how they will run to the site.
  • At the house end of your driveway you will need a place for people to park and turn around. Cars need a space 8'-9' wide by 15'-17' long. To turn around you need a flat area at least 25' x 35', circular turnarounds need more. (Later you may want to check with the fire department and garbage service. They may have requirements for turn arounds.) Make sure you have a parking area for guests.
  • This car parking area can easily be larger than the house itself . While it should be generous, it does not need to be right at the house. You can have a walking path to a more private house site or you can have a hedge, trees or fence to keep the cars out of sight.
  • Draw arrows on your plan to show the direction of views, neighbors and any site negatives such as sources of bright lights, noise or smells.
  • Show the bearing of true north and the four compass directions.
  • Draw in the direction of strong winds and seasonal storms. If you have tall trees find out which way they will fall.
  • Show arrows for site slope and have them point downhill with a note such as gentle or steep.

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