Site Checklist

When considering different properties or building sites, print a checklist for each one.

Date _________  Location ___________________________________________________________

Characteristics of Site

(1 to 5)


View: What will you see from the house site? 
Soil: for footings and around house
Access: roads and utilities – extra cost and maintenance?
Sunlight: good light during the heating season, morning?
Storm and weather: exposure, protection, tree fall.
Privacy: from road, noise, lights and neighbors.
Expandability: enough room for what you want to do?
Site slope: good air and water drainage but not too steep for access?
Plants: good location for gardens, landscaping or crops?
Water and waste systems: extra difficulty and expense?
Pollution: airport, shooting range, factory, dump or upwind air polluters?
Future Development: property subdivision and future buildup of area

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