The Big Enchilada - the 14' x 24' Cottage expanded

expanded small home All our best plans together in one set.

Many possible floor plan combinations can custom fit a house you build to fit your needs and over time.

The house at left is a combination of the 14' x 24' Builder's Cottage (for the upgraded core house) the Little House plans kit (here used for the 12' x 18' bedroom addition and the 10' x 14' sunroom addition) and the Sunroom, Greenhouse & Skylight plans used to build inexpensive sunroom glazing and to do fixed windows and skylights in other parts of the home.

Your core house can built using either a concrete crawlspace foundation or the simpler post & pier foundation.

When you order the big Enchilada (click here to order) you get all the above plans, plus a special set of details for raising the roof in the cottage loft area to make it into a full width working bedroom or office. 

Also, your entire package is sent priority mail shipping for the standard shipping fee.