20' wide x 24' long version of the Universal Cottage

Initial posting 9-21-2007 

20x24 2 story cottage

Here is a recent set of progress photos from owner-builder Demian. The photo above shows the main entry porch and the window seat pop-out.

20 x 24 2-story cabin photos

Here you see the main porch as it wraps around the side and opens up to a screen porch.

20 x 24 2-story cabin screen porch

This is a view from the screen porch.

20 x 24 2-story cabin photo from window seat

This view is looking out from the window seat to the front porch.

20 x 24 2-story cabin w/ foam insulation

In this earlier photo you can see one of the superinsulation techniques shown in the booklet that comes with the Universal Cottage plans. This is sometimes referred to as "the poor man's SIPS".

20 x 24 2-story cabin with bay window

Another earlier photo shows the window seat pop-out in place. This detail can be installed almost anywhere. Some builders do this at the stair landing or off a rear bedroom. Since it is supported by the wall and doesn't need a foundation, it can customize the floorplan and get bonus space where desired.

At the CountryPlans forum there is an on-going thread on the progress of this house with additional photos and information about how it was built. Click HERE to view this thread.

panelized single story home woman built

Link to the 20 x 34 Universal Cottage plans used for this house. (The plans can be easily lengthened or shortened. Demian made his 24' long.)

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Click HERE to link to the discussion at the forum about building this house.