Main Menu - Edit
- Undo - Undo the last action. For fixing mistakes.
- Cut - Remove the selected object from the plan and into the clipboard.
- Copy - Make a Copy of the selected object into the clipboard, but do NOT remove from plan.
- Paste - Paste the object from the clipboard into the plan.
- Delete - Remove the selected object from the plan.
- Delete Items - Remove objects by type and location thru the following dialog box. --->
Remember, you must Click on the Plan or Room after choosing what to delete and prior to Clicking
the Done Button! (see the Note: in the dialog box)
- Select Items - Switch to the Select Tool (Arrow on tool bar).
- Open Item - Open the dialog box to the currently selected item in the plan. If a window is
currently selected, then the Window Dialog Box for that window will open.
- Move Area - To move a selected area of the plan to another area of the plan. (see below)
- Drag a box around the area to be moved. (upper left to lower right)
- Grab the center handle and move in the desired direction. The distance you move
will display in the Tool Bar Status Box as you drag the area.
- Release the handle and the move takes place.
- Remember, you can use the Edit-Undo command if the move is not as you expected.
Edit - Delete Items |