Main Menu - Edit

  • Undo - Undo the last action. For fixing mistakes.
  • Cut - Remove the selected object from the plan and into the clipboard.
  • Copy - Make a Copy of the selected object into the clipboard, but do NOT remove from plan.
  • Paste - Paste the object from the clipboard into the plan.
  • Delete - Remove the selected object from the plan.
  • Delete Items - Remove objects by type and location thru the following dialog box. --->
    Remember, you must Click on the Plan or Room after choosing what to delete and prior to Clicking the Done Button! (see the Note: in the dialog box)
  • Select Items - Switch to the Select Tool (Arrow on tool bar).
  • Open Item - Open the dialog box to the currently selected item in the plan. If a window is currently selected, then the Window Dialog Box for that window will open.
  • Move Area - To move a selected area of the plan to another area of the plan. (see below)
    1. Drag a box around the area to be moved. (upper left to lower right)
    2. Grab the center handle and move in the desired direction. The distance you move will display in the Tool Bar Status Box as you drag the area.
    3. Release the handle and the move takes place.
    4. Remember, you can use the Edit-Undo command if the move is not as you expected.

Edit - Delete Items