Where to Shop for 3D Home Architect Deluxe 3.0 (3DHA)
If you want the very latest in the line of 3D Home Architect by Broderbund/The Learning Co., then version 4.0 is the one you want. You can purchase 4.0 at many retail stores for as low as $34.99 and also directly from The Learning Co. for $39.99. This product comes with a 90 Day "Satisfaction Guaranteed" commitment.
However, the tutorials found on this site are based on version 3.0. Many of the concepts illustrated for version 3.0 will work in version 4.0, but the screens and dialog boxes may be different for many others. You can still buy version 3.0 (CD only; No user manual) for about $10.00 on E-Bay. Just type "3D Home" into the search box and click the "find it!" button. I believe the user's manual is a very good tutorial if you are just starting with 3DHA and a great reference for those who are experienced. But because there are not many ways to get your hands on version 3.0, then relying on the on line help screens is a good alternative to having the manual. If you want the paper manual, then you may be able to find version 3.0 at a retail store near you as a close-out. I paid $8.50 at a Staples store near me. Yes, I am still using version 3.0.
Version 4.0 Requirements:
Platform: Windows® 95/98 or Windows® NT 4 SP 4 or higher/2000
RAM: 32MB RAM required, 64MB RAM recommended
Hard Drive: 150MB free hard-disk space
Video: A video card with support for OpenGL. OpenGL Color VGA, SuperVGA,
or higher resolution monitor supporting 256 colors.
CD ROM: CD-ROM drive
Printer: Works with most printers (monochrome and color) supported by
Other: 166MHz processor or better, hardware acceleration highly
recommended, MS Windows pointing device required (2-button mouse recommended).
Version 3.0 Requirements:
Platform: Windows® 95/98
RAM: 32MB RAM required, 64MB RAM recommended
Hard Drive: 16MB free hard-disk space
Video: 800x600 display, 256 colors; High and True Color suported
CD ROM: CD-ROM drive
Printer: Works with most printers (monochrome and color) supported by
Other: 100MHz processor or better, hardware acceleration highly
recommended, MS Windows pointing device required (2-button mouse recommended).
I am using version 3.0 in Windows 2000 and it works just fine. I cannot seem to get it to print 3D views directly to my printer. I need to send the view to another software package, and then print from there. Version 2.1 worked perfectly in windows 2000.