3DHA v5.0 Upgrades

While 3DHA is one of the best home design software packages on the market today, there is always room for improvement. There have been many times when I've tried to get 3DHA to do something, such as install a skylight, only to find that the feature I'm looking for does not exist in the current version.  Every so often The Learning Company comes out with a new version of the software. Currently, they are on version 4.0. But I am still using version 3.0. (you can see more on why I am still using 3.0 by looking under "About 3DHA", "Version Comparisons")  The simple fact is that the latest version added features I was not interested in having and failed to add features I was looking to see in this software. The only way Broderbund/The Learning Co./ART is going to give its users the features we want is for us to gather our wishes together and let them know what we want. Maybe then we will get features in the next version (v5.0) that will help us produce better plans. If that happens, it would be worth the extra money to me to buy the latest version instead of using an older version. Below, I am posting the features I would like to see in future versions of 3DHA and I would encourage others to post features that they find lacking in 3DHA. (use the discussion board) Below are my primary wants in order of importance.   

1.        An "Object Design Studio" where we can create objects that can be placed in our drawings such as furniture, barrel vaulted ceilings, etc..  Both IMSI's FloorPlan and Punch! Products provide such capability.  It allows the user to create custom objects not supplied in a library. It would be best if it could import/export/convert 3DS objects.

2.        Skylights - There is no other single object that I have read more requests for on the web than Skylights.  This alone would cause many people to go out and buy the new version of 3DHA, including myself. (assuming the program glitches found in 4.0 have been fixed by then)  The new Floorplan v7.0 claims to install skylights with ease!

3.    Defined Materials (like in Chief) that can be placed on walls and roofs to simulate roof shingles, shakes, and tiles, vertical or horizontal siding, bricks, blocks, and many other textures. See the Home Design Software logo in the upper left corner to see how Material/Texture can add life to an otherwise lifeless 3DHA 3D model.

4.        Curved Walls  (from Chief).  More and more these days, curved walls are being used to give a normal home a custom look. In version 4.0 they added curved staircases, but failed to add curved walls. This means that you must add the curved staircase as a stand alone item, away from the wall and using up more floor space than you may want to give up.

5.        False Ceilings  (from Chief).  You can already get your ceiling to follow your roof line in 3DHA. In my home that creates a great vaulted ceiling. But to draw my home as it currently exists, and also how a room addition is going to match, I need a cathedral ceiling. This is where a false ceiling would help. Many homes have false ceilings somewhere within the plan. A flat, lowered, false ceiling added to a vaulted ceiling could produce a coffered ceiling. With one feature 3DHA could add the claim that you could build, flat, vaulted, cathedral, and coffered ceilings.

6.        Primitive Library Objects. (from Chief) - If the "Object Design Studio" (from #1 above) is not feasible. These are simple 3D objects that can be resized and placed in your plan. (see below left)  They can be used to represent real life objects that have a similar shape. It would also be good if these, and other, objects could be grouped together and locked to form larger, single objects.

7.        Texture Planes - This would be similar to the Soffit and Ground Cover objects but it would be a very narrow Plane that Paint and Texture could be applied.  It could rotate from 0 degrees (horizontal), to be placed on floors, through 90 degrees to be placed on walls and anywhere in between.  The big difference would be that Doors, Windows and other objects could (using a toggle on/off check box) break through these planes.  If the user wanted to place a 3' high wanes coating on a wall, they would create a texture Plane 3' x width of wall at 90 degrees.  Place this plane against the wall and change it's paint or texture property. Then check the "Allow Openings to show through" checkbox so that windows and doors would erase the plane where applicable.  At 0 degrees it could be used in place of Ground Cover to include a tile walkway in a carpeted room.  Currently this can be done with the soffit object, but it does not rotate between 0 and 90 degrees and when placed over a door (or window), the soffit shows up in the doorway. (see above right)  Or add features to the Soffit Object to accomplish the same ends.

7.        An absolute Point-to-Point measuring button. (No snap to anything)

8.        Export to .dxf of 3D Cross Sections and Wall Elevations.

9.     Add two properties to objects:  1) Lock/Un-Lock objects in place so they can not be moved.   2) INCLUDE IN Material List & Specialty print-out of new section only.  (for new construction vs. existing)

10.    HVAC symbols - To be used similar to Plumbing and Electrical symbols

11.     Simple Drawing Markup (cad lines) for marking up the Plan View with Shapes, arrows, etc.

12.        Glass Block - A window-like object that allows semi-transparent viewing, but can also be placed in curved walls.

I've added my ideas in order of importance to me and I encourage others to write in with their ideas.  If we aren't getting the kinds of changes to 3DHA that we want, then it's our own fault for not speaking up.  We have nothing to lose by giving it a try. If I'm the only one that wants changes to 3DHA, then I doubt they are going to listen. But if others can add their wants to mine, then we may be able to convince them that our ideas have merit. Once we have a number of features to request, I'll send a copy to ART (the programmers behind 3DHA) and Broderbund.