Getting close, but have questions.

Started by phalynx, September 28, 2005, 09:08:01 AM

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Don't get the stairs too steep. Your building code will have very specific requirements for this. (Research first, design second.) I would follow these rules even if you are not in a coded area.

You can do a search on the forum and the main site for more information on this.


I will be building where there are no codes.


your home has a nice balanced design and I can see the workmanship put into it.I begin building our family home next month in upstate new york.Do you have an estimate on what your home will cost when done?Here is a site that may interest some DIY'ers-to me one of the most important parts of diy home construction is the septic/leechfield and it's cost.Also solar is an excellent site for both of these and more.Very helpful.WillDundee


back again-forgot to put the link i spoke about in my last post-here it is- last post this link should have been on.

your home has a nice balanced design and I can see the workmanship put into it.I begin building our family home next month in upstate new york.Do you have an estimate on what your home will cost when done?Here is a site that may interest some DIY'ers-to me one of the most important parts of diy home construction is the septic/leechfield and it's cost.Also solar is an excellent site for both of these and more.Very helpful.WillDundee