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Started by Ms12345, August 31, 2005, 03:19:11 PM

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I am sending in an order for The Universal Cottage Plans and wondered if anyone had ever modified the plans by adding a third story or perhaps as a two and a half/story.  Idea would be to have 2 additional bedrooms on the third level.  It seems like I saw this on the site at one time but have not been able to find it since.

If anyone has done this let me know how it went and how difficult it was to make changes.




I'm not sure what John has to say about this but I was thinking maybe you could use attic trusses each end and maybe dormers or shed dormers in the center  with a steep pitch such as rwalter used to get what you want.

Just an idea.  Don't know if it will work. Seems doable though. :-/


Yes, I had in mind with that design that you could use the attic for another bedroom or two. The stairs can just be continued on up and into a dormer for head room.

The Universal Cottage plans have both rafter and truss configurations for the roof. Doing rafters would allow you to simply double up at the sides of shed or gable dormers and do many of the things people have been doing with the 20' wide 1 1/2 story cottage plans. Something similar could also be done with attic trusses.

Check if your fire or building department has any special requirements for a third story. Some do.